
Volume Leveling


Menu Path: Options/Player/Volume Leveling  

MUSICMATCH Jukebox Plus feature

Sometimes youÆll notice while playing a track, its ævolumeÆ is louder or softer than the previous track, causing you to have to increase or decrease the volume slider to keep a consistent volume level.  

Volume Leveling creates consistent volume throughout all tracks you select. This avoids any harsh spikes in volume during playback.

Before tracks can be played with Volume Leveling, they must be processed. The processing only affects how tracks are played when Volume Leveling is on. Tip


To process tracks

  1. In My Library highlight the tracks to be processed, right-click and select Prepare Tracks for Volume Leveling.

  2. Each track selected will be processed.  Time-to-process depends on available resources, and the number of tracks selected.

Volume Leveled tracks will have a green note next to them in the Library.  

  • If editing track tags you can go to the More tab and click the Prepare button. All tracks selected for Tag editing will be now be Volume Leveled.

Removing Volume Leveling from processed tracks.

  1. Right-click on the volume leveled track and select Edit Track Tag.

  2. Click the More tab. At the bottom right screen, choose Not Prepared under Volume Leveling.

  3. Click OK to remove Volume Leveling.

PROCESSING THE ENTIRE LIBRARY AT ONCE CAN TAKE SEVERAL HOURS if you have a large number of tracks.  During this time the computer should not have other processor-intensive applications running.  Plan a good time-frame for this process to run, like overnight.