The Dev-C++ Resource Site



On this page you will API references, tutorials, online resources, documentation downloads, etc. about C/C++ and Win32 programming. However, if you're looking for documentation about an add-on library, you should look at the page of that library.

Online API documentation

Link Description
Glibc manual Standard C library manual. Please note that not all functions described in that manual are available in Mingw.
Win32 API Information and reference manual about Microsoft's Win32 API.


Link Description
Intro to programming A very clear introduction to programming, and a small C tutorial.
Paul Gerfen's C/C++ tutorial for Dev-C++ This tutorial will give you a basic insight into the world of C++ programming using Dev-C++.
Paul Gerfen's C/C++ tutorial for Dev-C++ This tutorial will give you a basic insight into the world of C++ programming using Dev-C++.
Mike Serrano's Dev-C++ tutorial This tutorial will help you doing using Dev-C++, as well as making graphics in console mode.
Intro to C++ An introduction to C++ for newbies.
C++ Made Easy A basic tutorial about programming in C++.
Learn C/C++ Today A list of a few C and C++ language tutorials.
theForger's Win32 API Tutorial A great Win32 API tutorial. Quote from the site: "This tutorial attempts to get you started developing with the Win32 API as quickly and clearly as possible."
Reliable Software Win32 API tutorial This tutorial covers the major features of the WIn32 API, as well as OLE, COM and DirectDraw.
ISO C Programming This is a tutorial on the C language, as defined by ISO/IEC 9899/1990 and possibly including some information from the new 9899:1999 standard.

Software Manuals

Link Description
GNU Make The online manual for GNU Make.
GCC manual Manual for the GNU Compiler Collection. (To find out which version of GCC you have, open a DOS console and type gcc -v)

Web resources

Link Description A very good website about C and C++ programming.
MSDN Microsoft Developers Network. If you're looking for something about Microsoft/Windows, you should look here.


Note: some files are PostScript files. You can read them with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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