PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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#import - T2H

This is a text to HTML #import mode (please read the #import documentation before trying to understand this section. This is a recent addition so please consider this import type "beta code"

Sometimes you will wish to simply convert a a number of text files to a equal number of html files. In this case you will probably wish to use the /Template switch and create a template for your background colors, titles, headers and footers that you require.


These definitions are specific to the "T2H" import mode. If you can't understand how they work then I suggest you try using /debug or #debug to watch what variables the import uses etc.


This example imports a file and also extends the translation it will perform to include 2 international characters. For no real reason we will also prevent email addresses becoming "mailto" links and simply highlight email addresses in a different color.

    ;--- Save current Autotag state, set up international conversion, restore state ---
    #AutoTagState +
    #AutoTag      'ä'    'ä'
    #AutoTag      'ë'    'ë'              ;;Only 2 for this example
    #AutoTagState -
    ;--- Update option so as to use the international chars as well as usual conversions -
    #define T2H_ASIS_TAGGING     IMPORT_HTML_BASIC                   \
                                 IMPORT_HTML_BOXGRAPHIC_TO_BOXTEXT   \
    ;--- Simply for demonstrate puroses, remove email links and make "olive" ---
    #define T2H_MAILTO_LINK      <FONT COLOR=OLIVE>{$Url}</FONT>
    ;--- Import the text file ---
    #import README.TXT T2H       ""

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm