PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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Switch /Template:TemplateFile

This is a PPWIZARD command line switch. You can set up your own default switches in the "PPWIZARD_OPTIONS" environment variable or in project files.

Normally PPWIZARD begins by reading from the input file. This switch modifies this behavior.

If you have a set of pages which look alike you can set up a single template file which describes the common attributes (header/footer, look and feel, background colors etc) and many "data" files each of which describes the differences (such as the title and page text).

When this switch is used the name of the "data" file is stored in the variable "<?TemplateDataFile>" and the file named on this switch is loaded instead.

The template does not automatically load or know of the data file, it is up to you to perform the appropriate action which would usually be to simply include the "data" file using:


A typical template file might begin like:

    ;--- Load data file, this template specified on "/template" switch ---
    #include "<?TemplateDataFile>"

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My whole website and this manual itself was developed using PPWIZARD (free preprocessor written by Dennis Bareis)
Thursday January 17 2002 at 6:27pm