After decompressing the archive, you have to change into the newly
created "simdemo" directory. Type "./simu" to start the simulation.
The DOS version has its own startup script. Type "start" to start
the DOS version.
If simu doesn't start, send me an
e-mail. I'll try to fix the problem as fast as possible.
Simu can create many different maps. Other maps than the stabndard map can be used by startion simu with "simu -map XX" where XX is some number. Not all maps are really playable, so you may have to experiment somewhat until you find a suitable map.
The Linux version of Simu uses the shared memory extension of the X protocol. If you can't use shared memory, i.e. you are running simu over a network connection, just start simu with "simu -net" to disable shared memory usage. If simu is running slowly or locks up completely, you may skip frames. This makes simu generally run faster but vehikles will move jumpy, if you skip too many frames. Start simu with "simu -refresh 2" to show every second frame or "simu -refresh 4" to show only every 4th frame.