Function slideshow is a function, using which you can create simple presentations based on displaying of defined set of pictures in fullscreen mode. You can set order of images and style of viewing or moving throught list of files. Configuration window is similar to window of Batch conversion or dialog Open file.

Main part of window is list of files in top left 'edge' of window. You can add files there using 'drag&drop' method, just like in batch conversion dialog. It is very important that you can use this method also with TXT configuration files (so you don't have to use load configuration button). You can use button with line (on the right side of file list) to remove selected items from list or 'X' button to remove all items.

If you want to arrange list, you can use items in group 'Order/sorting'. They are used to (from top): Sort items by name, sort items by extension, sort items by date of last change and sort by file size. If you push bottommost button, items in list will rearange, so last item will be first and first will be last - they'll be in reversed order. You can also use button 'Randomize' to randomize order of files in list.

In 'Settings' group you can tweak final appearance of presentation. First thing you have to set is style of moving throught file list. It can be automatic (you have to set time between two images) or manual (you are moving throught list using any keyborad or mouse button).
Next settings are affecting other attributes of presentation. After you check first checkbox (Loop presentation) images will be displayed in loop until you manually stop presentation. Second check (Don't show errors) is ensuring that no error messages will be displayed during slideshow. If you check third box (Show file name), you will allow displaying of file names in topleft edge of screen. Last check box (Hide mouse cursor) is there to allow you to hide mouse cursor during slideshow.

If you want to save or load files list, you can use load/save configuration buttons... Lists are being saved to standard TXT files (every file is on new line!).

Prestentation is being started using 'Start' button. You can stop slideshow at any time point using key ESC and/or key-combination Alt+Enter (or even Alt+F4). This doesn't mean you can terminate reading of file - this process can't be stoped.