A press release on this matter is also available.
The Free Software Foundation and Finite State Machine Labs (FSMLAbs) have come to an agreement on a fully GPL-compliant version of FSMLabs RTLinux Open Patent License. FSF and FSMLabs are working to finalize the license language; FSMLabs will be publishing on its website the text of that license, with a statement by FSF confirming its GPL-compliant status, in the very near future. FSF has already withdrawn its press statement issued Friday September 14 concerning RTLinux license terms. Our differences turned out to be mostly a result of unfortunate miscommunications and we urge everyone to put this dispute behind them. FSF and FSMLabs expect to continue their cooperation to secure availability of FSMLabs patented technology for use in GNU/Linux systems. The FSF thanks FSMLabs for its contribution of this patent license to the free software community, and for its longstanding support and publication of free software under the GPL.
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Updated: $Date: 2001/10/12 00:22:17 $ $Author: fsl $