Getting Started
MixVibes Files standard.jpg (31794 octets)
MixVibes Views
Add music
Select music in the mixer

MixVibes Files

Media Base files contain all your medias information (title, author, genre, album, duration, bpm ...).. It's the main file in MixVibes. The file extension is ".vib".
A media can be any sound file (*.wav *.mp3 ...) or video files (*.avi *.mpg).

When you add files, MixVibes retrieves information from ID3 tag found in mp3 file and includes it in the Media Base.

There are 2 differences between ID3 tag infomation and Media Base information :

- Media Base include many others fields as bpm, pitch, equalization, remix ...

- Fields are not limited to 30 caracters

An event is associated to a media and has a time information (start, duration). There are many kinds of event like play, pause, cue, pitch change, volume change...

MixVibes can edit all events in your mix.

MixVibes Views

There are 3 views in MixVibes. Each view is dynamic and can be closed and reopened. At restart, Mixvibes will recall all views present in last exit.

Media Base view

mediabaseview.gif (5820 octets)

The Media Base view display all medias information from the Media Base file. A Media Base can contained many thousands of media. In fact, there is no limit. There are 2 kinds of display : list (display only the media title) or details (display more info).

In details mode, you can choose which information you want to display (title, author, genre, bpm, album, duration ...) : right click in the header of the Media Base view. The Base Media view can be list with any order (many kind of sorts are available). A powerful search function can be used to find specific media. Many medias can be selected  for multiple operation : for example, beat match many medias for a specific bpm.

Mix Sequencer view

mix sequencer.gif (5129 octets)

The Mix Sequencer view display all events of your mix. There can be any number of events and more than an event can start at the same time. Events are displayed by start time order. There are 2 kinds of display : list (start time and media name) or details (all event info). An icon (first report field) defines the event type.

Mixer View

mixerviewv2.jpg (17361 octets)

The channel number is customizable : 2 until 16 channels can be defined. The Mixer view contain all controlers and command buttons. All controlers and commands can be customized with a skin (see skins). There could be until 76 controls in each channel mixer.
The media in each mixer channel can be easily selected from the Media Base either by drag and drop either by pressing the track buttons.


Add a music

There are many ways to add music (or others media) in MixVibes. The easiest way is to select files in Windows folder that you want to include in MixVibes and drag and drop these files in the Media Base view

addwithdraganddrop.jpg (21712 octets)

A command "Scan" can be very usefull also (Menu "File" -> "Scan"). In the Scan dialog box, you can select 1 or many directories where to search music files to add in MixVibes. For example, if you select C:, it will include all music files of your hard drive C:


Select music in the mixer

Now you have some music in the Media Base. How select a music in the Mixer view ?

1) Select the music in the Media Base view that you want to control dragv21.jpg (11124 octets)
2) Drag the music from the Media Base view to the Mixer View dragv22.jpg (10851 octets)
3) Drop the music in the channel you want to use dragv23.jpg (11006 octets)



After selecting the 2 musics that you want to mix in the Mixer view
Mixing will require 7 operations :

  1. Find the bpm of the 2 musics
  2. Locate position in each the music where you want to mix
  3. Adjust the speed of 2 music so they have same Bpm (beat matching)
  4. Switch audio port
  5. Start music
  6. Cross fade the volume of each music for keeping a constant volume level
  7. Adjust the beat in speeding up or down the 2 musics playing for keeping the same beat

1) Find the bpm of the 2 music

To execute beatcounting, right click in the mixer channel and Select menu "Beat counting Manual".

2) Locate position

With the  "Backward" or "Forward"  buttons in the mixer channel you can move in the music and find  the exact position to start (for example a bass drum beat) and set the Cue point with the Cue button in the mixer channel. Of course, the search operation can be done in your headphones (select second audio port) so you are alone to listen. As the cue point is found, you will select back the main audio out.

3) Beat matching

There are many ways to do beatmatching with MixVibes. Here's the easiest method.

a) Put the 2 music to beatmatch in mixer channel  1 and 2
b) left click in channel mixer for beginning a drag and drop and press the shift key beatmatch1.jpg (21807 octets)
c) move the mouse cursor  to channel 2 with the shift key always pressed beatmatch2.jpg (21293 octets)
d) release the mouse in channel 2. MixVibes has updated the picth of music in channel 1 so the bpm of the 2 music has been matched. beatmatch3.jpg (12681 octets)


4) Switch audio port

When you are going to locate a cue point in the music, you don't want that people listen your search. For providing this functionnality, MixVibes need a second audio port to connect headphones. MixVibes can support 2 audio cards. Connect your main audio card out port to the amplifier and second port to headphones. See Options audio cards for the configuration in MixVibes.

selector2.jpg (990 octets) Select the 2nd audio port for working in headphones and locating the cue point.

selector1.jpg (990 octets) When you have found the cue point, you can select the main audio port 1. Then you are ready to start the music.


5) Start music

start.jpg (1227 octets) After finding the start position, you are ready to start the new music. You can use the Play/pause button in channel mixer or keyboard shortcuts

Channel A F9 CUE
Channel B F11 CUE

6) Cross fade the volume

You can use the cross fader control for update the 2 music volume at same time or use individual volume slider.

crossfader.jpg (5742 octets)


7) Adjust the beat in speed up or down

You can use the pitch bend slider to adjust temporarily the speed.

adjust speed.jpg (6428 octets)

There are also programmable keys (PF1...PF8). These keyboard shortcuts can be very usefull for catching the beat.

Channel A F1 speed down -4%
  F2 speed down -2%
  F3 speed up +2%
speed up +4%
Channel B F5 speed down -4%
  F6 speed down -2%
  F7 speed up +2%
speed up +4%

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