Audio cards
Others options
options.gif (10450 octets)

Audio cards

The number of audio cards will determine the number of audio out ports. You can choose for each audio out ports the audio cards selected. You have to choose also the right mixer. MixVibes would take care of changes only after restarting the program.

Some audio cards can be seen as many audio drivers.

You can select the audio card using for monitoring in checking one monitor radio button.

Others options

Move value: this value set the position increase (or decrease) for forward (or backward) in a media

Acceleration : this value set how many times the move value will increase each second when forward/backward buttons are staying pushed

Warning : time before the end of media will blink the green warning led

Fade time : when inserting media in playlist this value will determine cross fading time between 2 media folowing

Talk over fade and att. : set the fade time and attenuation for talk over command

Init dir : init directory when program start (if not empty)

Dj Name : you can enter your dj name then MixVibes will display at the left top mixer view your name in place of MixVibes letters

Tooltip : MixVibes give information on the field above the mouse, if mouse stay without moving for 1 second
if tooltip is disabled then there will be no information but performance will be greater (tooltip consume some cpu when displaying)

Pitch bend range : Select the pitch bend range in % for the cross fader pitch bend and for the midi pitch bend control. then pitch can go to + or - this range

Volume range : Select the range for the cross fader volume in db then the cross fader down the volume for the media fade of this value
except at each cursor end where level is completly muted (-100db)

Jog dial Spin : this value indicates how many times the spin of jog dial will do in ms


system.gif (4687 octets)

Frame Length : size of frame audio in ms.

Frame Interrupt : time period in ms when servicing the audio buffer. never set  under 1/5 of frame length.

Audio latency : use for adjusting the start time of a sound media.

Create only directx Media streams : MixVibes can use Directx Media for mp3 in place of internal decoder. If you check this option, all medias will use the directx Media services and use same codec than used by Microsoft media player (for mp3, Microsoft use the Fraunofer-Gesellschaft IIS).
For back to internal services uncheck this option.

Priority : change priority program (after restarting)

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