Custom buttons and button layout

Custom buttons and button layout

On this page you can create and modify buttons visible in 40tude HTMLs main window and set where they are placed.

The left side of this page shows the available functions, which includes the standard functions and any custom functions you defined on the Custom functions page. Select a category in the top left list to see the available function in a category in the list on the lower left side.

The right side of this page shows the defined buttons. The upper right box lists the button panels and consists of the two fixed panels seen on the left side of 40tude HTMLs main window and the panels that exist as tabbed pages right of the fixed panels. Select a panel to see the buttons defined on this panel.

You can add, remove and move buttons in the lower right list by using the arrowed buttons.

To modify the captions of the tabbed button, delete or add panels or to change their position use the buttons on the upper right side of this page.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

custom buttons;buttons;button panels