Welcome to the 40tude HTML help file

Welcome to the 40tude HTML help file

This help file is to assist you with understanding the 40tude HTML Editor and solving the questions and problems that might arise while using the product. If you don't find an answer here;feel free to ask us.

You may select or search for a topic on the left side of this window or select one of the recommended readings below.

Recommended readings for new users:

Learn about evaluating this software
Get an overview about the available features
Get an overview of the application
Come back to learn more!

Recommended readings for experienced users:

Learn about often overlooked features and details
Speed up your work with the keyboard shortcuts
Use ESI tags to dynamically create, import, modify and evaluate data

If you can read this text, you are using the Winhelp version of the 40tude Help file. Please note that this version has some limitation. To use the HTMLHelp version, please update to HTMLHelp.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

new user;experienced user;help on help