

Beyond the build-in adaptability of 40tude HTML the application offers two interfaces which you might utilize to offer support for user-defined tags (e.g. tags for 3rd party products).

Tag definition files are used to define series of tags, their attributes and values. You can write your own tag definition files and 40tude HTML will utilize them in the CodeQuick feature and the standard "Edit tag" dialog. Tag definition files live in the "data" subdirectory and have the "*.tag" extension. Tag definition files are text files (except for "standard.tag" which is encrypted) in a special format. To create or edit tag definition files you will need the tag editor application which will be available from the 40tude HTML Homepage soon.

To offer special support for one or more tags you can write a tag expert. Tag experts offer dialog based creating/editing of a tag. Tag experts reside in separate dll's in the 40tude HTML directory, e.g the standard experts available from the main menu in 40tude HTML reside in the file "stdexps.dll". Apart from the dll itself, the available functionality of the experts inside a dll are published the expert interface files in the "experts" subdirectory.
The full interface for writing expert dlls is not yet published, but you may contact us for help if you would like to write an expert.

3rd party add-ons will be available on the 40tude HTML Homepage once they are available.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

3rd party;experts;wizards;tags;user-defined tags;interface