Clock Interface


Clock Interface -- CLOCK interface to the other subsystems.


gint        (*tick_callback_t)              (gint time);
gint        clock_register_tick             (tick_callback_t func);
gint        get_time                        (void);
void        CLOCK_stop                      (void);


This functions allow the other subsystems to interact, througth the messaging service, with the CLOCK.


tick_callback_t ()

gint        (*tick_callback_t)              (gint time);

function pointer to be used with clock_reguster_tick.

time :current time in "time units".
Returns :nothing important.

clock_register_tick ()

gint        clock_register_tick             (tick_callback_t func);

Instructs the CLOCK subsystem to call func for every "time unit".

func : function to be called as time goes by.
Returns : nothing important.

get_time ()

gint        get_time                        (void);

Returns : the current time in "time units".

CLOCK_stop ()

void        CLOCK_stop                      (void);

Tells the CLOCK to stop counting "time units".