
Tabla de contenidos


Desarrollo de la aplicaci≤n

Brian W. Kernighan y Dennis M. Ritchie, 1988, 1978, 0-13-110362-8, Prentice-Hall, Inc., The C programming language.

Prentice-Hall software series, Prentice-Hall, Inc..

Havoc Pennington, 1999, 0-7357-0078-8, New Riders Publishing, GTK+/Gnome Application Development.

Brian W. Kernighan y Rob Pike, 1999, 0-201-61586-X, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, The Practice of Programming.

Addison-Wesley Proffessional Computing Series, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. .

Andrew Koenig, 1989, 0-201-17928-8, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, C Traps and Pitfalls.

Norman Walsh y Leonard Muellner, 1999, 156592-580-7, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., DocBook: The Definitive Guide, 1st, Ed..

GNOME Developer Documentation , 2000/07/14.

the GNU Project and the Free Software Fundation (FSF) , 2000/07/14.

Concurrent Version System , 2000/07/14.

GTK+ - The GIMP Tookkit , 2000/07/14.

GLADE GTK+ User Interface Builder , 2000/07/14.

GNOME - Computing Made Easy , 2000/07/14.

Conceptos te≤ricos

David A. Rusling, 1996, 1997, The Linux Kernel.

Luis Antonio Miguel Quintales, Asignatura de Sistemas Operativos 1997/98 (Transparencias), Universidad de Salamanca, Departamento de Informatica y Automatica.

Andrew S. Tannenbaum y Albert S. Woodhull, 1997, 1987, Prentice-Hall, Inc. , Operating Systems: Design & Implementation, 2nd Ed..

William Stallings, 1998, Prentice-Hall Inc., Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 3rd. ed..

Abraham Silberschatz y Peter B. Galvin, 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Operating System Concepts, 4th ed..

Milan Milenković, 1992, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Operating Systems: Concepts and Design.

Maurice J. Bach, 1996, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, The Design of the UNIX Operating System.

Lubomir Bic y Alan C. Shaw, 1988, Prentice-Hall, The Logical Design of Operating Systems, 2nd. ed..