Programme of CAGI for the period of 1997-1999
Approved by the 1st plenary session of CAGI on June 12, 1997, prolonged by the 2nd plenary session of CAGI on June 12, 1998
The Programme contains the spheres of activities by which CAGI fills the mission and the aims of the association. It is discussed and approved by the plenary session.
The role and aims are phrased by Statutes as following:
- to protect the rights and the interests of the members and to promote their professional and social interests,
- to create the conditions and the scope for the open professional discussion to solve conceptual, technical, economic, legal and similar problems of development of spatial information systems and appropriate informational technologies,
- to support and provide tight working contact of all involved subjects in Czech Republic, to exchange information, knowledge and experiences among the members and to word the common interests and standpoints,
- to participate in preparation and creation of concrete conditions for wide utilization of geoinformation in all areas,
- to provide contact and to support cooperation with the bodies of state administration in development of State information system, spatial information systems and utilization of appropriate informational technologies in the public sector,
- to provide the member contact with home as well as foreign and international societies and non-governmental organizations.
For the period of 1997-1999 the following programme delimitation is proposed:
The activity of CAGI for the next period is concentrated particularly on the opening of activities of professional groups in the following problem areas. The main realities and problems in individual areas will be at the same time described, specified and the directions and methods of their solution will be proposed. Detailed specifications will serve as the data for the possible forming of the professional commissions whose aim will be the concrete solution of given problems.
The individual problem areas and possible professional groups are following:
- The conditions of development of geoinformation systems, particularly problems of National spatial infrastructure of the Czech Republic, the need of metainformation system about the sources of geoinformation, definition of basic integrative data base of geoinformation systems in Czech Republic, problems of copyright, relation and cooperation of CAGI and State Information System (SIS) Bureau.
- The standardization in the area of geoinformation, in particular the possibility of cooperation in norms and standards of SIS, building contacts with the European and international effort.
- Teaching and education in the area of geoinformation systems and GIS technologies including as university courses as short-term schooling and so-called lifelong education.
- GIS within Information Systems of Local Authorities and Municipal Information Systems, particularly standards of interface (of components in IT GIS, the subsystem of spatial identification and so on).
- Technical maps of cities, particularly exchange formats for the need of technical maps of cities.
- GIS for managers of technical equipment (civils).
- Aplication of IT GIS in processes of cadastral planning.
- Access to geoinformation within Internet/Intranet network.
- Land Information systems and the utilization of IT GIS.
- Utilization of photogrammetry and remote sensing in geoinformation systems.
The activities in other areas which turn out to be useful for the members of CAGI are not restricted in any way.
CAGI will concentrate on prompt mutual exchange of information about the intentions and preparations of events of wider implications in the area of geoinformation (conferences, seminars, exhibitions and so on) with the aim to facilitate for the members and to coordinate these intentions in the meaning of time and content.
The informational and communication media will be developed parallelly and the internal information system of CAGI will be created as well for providing internal contact and the mutual sharing of information among the CAGI members. There will be used mainly the modern communication channels of Internet network. Particularly for the members who don’t have access to the Internet yet, a printed informational bulletin will be introduced with a selection of the most important information.
In connection with the present foreign contacts, further contact with the European Umbrella Organization for Geographical Information (EUROGI) and chosen national organizations will be extended with the aim of providing access to information about the important activities abroad.