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News archive
of year 1998

News color means that article contains:
GREEN = Public non-beta release
RED = Site info (mirror news, page changes, etc.)
BLUE = Other news

December 23, 1998
No real news, just wishing merry Christmas and happy New Year to all MP3 Manager's users! Thanks to all betatesters and all other people which were contacting me in 1998 with their comments/wishes/bug reports. You are really helping me to make the MP3 Manager better and more useful. My plans to 1999? Continue with new versions :-)

November 29, 1998
MP3 Manager 32 updated to version 4.11. Changes: incompatibility with chinese(!) Windows95 (error message on startup) solved, help file corrected, MP3 Manager should now look better if another than "standard" color scheme has been set in Control Panel.

November 24, 1998
MP3 Manager 32 version 4.1 is here! It took exactly 4 months to finish the 4.1... unbelievable :-). Enjoy it!

November 15, 1998
I am still alive :-) I am sorry for all that delay, but there was quite a trouble making bug in last beta of 4.1. I hope it is ok now. Today rc2 has been sent to betatesters, I hope you will get the final really soon! BTW MIR 2.0 with lots of new features has been uploaded today, so take at least the MIR!

October 16, 1998
Few things:
1. My betatesters have the beta 1 of 4.1 finally, if no big bugs will be found, 4.1 could be released within next week. I am not able to set exact date, however.
2. I've removed the "showstat" counter... too unreliable these days.
3. Because of multiple requests from users I've signed for a free Guestbook and Web Forum (messageboard) at Bravenet. For the Guestbook and Web Forum see bottom of this page. Maybe it can be useful for you if you have a problem with MP3 Manager... or from any other reason. Any experienced user can answer and help. Because I hate spam, I am recommending to you to add some "nospam" code to your mail address, if you decide to sign for a guestbook or add new forum entry.

October 4, 1998
The MIR (MP3-ID3Tag-Renamer) has been upgraded to version 1.1 today. From new features I would like to mention the undo function which ensures the renaming process to be much safer. In the time I was away for few days, I was not able to let you know about the new versions of the Lyrics3 Tag Editor and Plugin for Winamp. Be sure to take all this software.
About MP3 Manager development:
Although my time for development is now very limited, I am finishing beta 1 of 4.1 version these days. I would like to mention few changes which are prepared: The new indexing system - maximum acceptable length of filename will not be cut to 150 characters anymore; uppercase/lowercase names will be sorted in the same way (that means that the lowercase names will not be placed on end of the list)... maybe you think that these changes are minor, but that's not true at all. All these changes are necessary for future development (and believe me, it takes a lot of time). Also there will be possible to select font for the track list, and changes in the sound volume control system are prepared.

July 24, 1998
Although version 4.0 does not have all of the planned features, I've decided to make it available now... so all of you can use connection to the All Music Guide and International Lyrics Server without problems again (there were changes on these sites). So: I will now have 2 weeks holiday... and you can get the version 4.0 in the meantime!

July 17, 1998
Bad piece of news - All Music Guide changed the link to online database so the direct access from MP3 Manager does not work currently. Bad is that I am in middle of work on version 4.0 and I don't know if I will be able to correct access to AMG quickly.

July 14, 1998
I am here again (for 2 weeks this time only, then I will have another holiday... yay!). I've worked on version 4.0 a little... and if all will go ok, then first feature for 4.0 will be main window resizing on the fly. Common feature, I know... but programming language used is not supporting window resizing directly. I found a trick, how to do it, however (I am quite happy!). Together with window resizing it will be possible to increase number of columns in track list (columns where you will be able to find out if track has lyrics, timestamps, author, images... plus column for path+filename). There is a lot of work which has to be done just with this "simple" feature... plus some other features, so it will definitely take some time to have 4.0 ready. My personal estimate for release is during September... but I will try to keep you updated :-)

July 5, 1998
I will be away till July 12. Your e-mails will be not answered in the meantime. But I plan to work on version 4.0 a little :-). See you in one week!

June 23, 1998
Added link to Saxtus newsletter... the more-than-mp3 newsletter. Looks good, check it out. Lyrics3 Plugin 1.12 released.

June 22, 1998
Unbelievable... another 2 bugs fixed... plus one useful feature; MP3 Manager 32 version 3.93 released.

June 13, 1998
Another 2 bugs fixed... MP3 Manager 32 version 3.92 released.

June 10, 1998
MP3 Manager 32 version 3.91 released. Few bugs removed.

June 6, 1998
New version of Lyrics3 Plugin (1.10) available.

June 5, 1998
I've finally updated the Lyrics3 Tag specifications page with newest addition - images support. Let me remind you of last version of MP3 Manager 32 (v3.9) which is able to edit/display images linked to mp3 files.
But not only MP3 Manager! New versions of Lyrics3 Plugin (1.09) and Lyrics3 Editor (1.05) by Alon Gingold were released with slideshow capability (and a lot of other new features) yesterday evening. All this software - Winamp, MP3 Manager 32, Lyrics3 Plugin+Editor works now together as a complete multimedia device: music, lyrics, images, informations.

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