MP3 Manager
About MP3 Manager
Main features:
- Quick - The foxpro database engine assures the quickest possible access
to your MP3 files.
- Capable - No limits. Buy the biggest hard disk available, burn lots of CD's
and MP3 Manager will be always with you.
- Advanced - Since the time MP3 Manager was born in March '97 there were many
advanced features added.
- Stable - The stable code has been always my highest priority.
Short history overview:
- End of 1996 - I found mp3:-). There was established an "ID3
Tag" which is based on adding 128 bytes of text to end of MP3 file.
These 128 bytes are divided into sections: song name, artist, album, year,
comment, genre.
- March 1997 - when I found this tag standard on the net, there was
only small step to the idea to develop a database application based on this
standard. I got this idea on beginning of March 1997... and on March 26, 1997
was born MP3 Manager, version 1.0. At that time only 16-bit version of MP3
Manager was available.
- July 1997 - I made first 32-bit version of MP3 Manager.
- October 1997 - last 16-bit version released. The 16-bit part of project
has been discontinued.
- January 1998 - in effort to add more flexibility to ID3 Tag, I've
created first version of "Lyrics3 Tag"
system, which was designed as an extension to ID3 Tag simply adding lyrics
capability to the tag.
- April 1998 - version 2.00 of Lyrics3 Tag has been developed and used
since version 3.8 of MP3 Manager. I have to mention Alon Gingold here, author
of lyrics plugin for Winamp, who has helped me a lot with specifications.
- June 1998 - introduced CD Cache as an unique support for multiple
CD in version 3.9.
- March 1999 - introduced versatile Create List Wizard in version 4.2.
- February 2000 - MP3 Manager 32 is not limited to MP* files anymore - added VQF, WMA support
in version 4.50. Introduced command line options, "On Screen Display", mass renaming engine.
- March 2000 - Drag & Drop support, HTML help.
- November 2000 - Filtering, MP3 Manager becomes shareware.
... For detailed history see the help file.
General features
Only main features are listed.
- Supported players:
- CoolPlayer. Only basic support
- Sonique. Only basic support (no API commands, only few commandline options available).
- Winamp. Only using Winamp you can enjoy maximum features in MP3 Manager.
- Automatic recursive search for MP*/WMA/VQF files on up to 99 independent drives or directories.
Program can be used for really big collections of media files. Reading of
tags at startup can be switched on/off from "Media files setting"
screen. Default option for "intelligent" reading of tags at startup
- check only new/changed/deleted files plus caching CD's will shorten the
update time to minimum.
- Full support for ID3 Tag and Lyrics3 Tag:
- Lyrics - up to 99999 characters
- Music/Lyrics Author - up to 250 characters
- Other info - up to 99999 characters
- Extension for title/artist/album fields of ID3 Tag. Each field
can keep up to 250 characters.
- Images - almost unlimited number of (links to) images in BMP/JPG/GIF
format can be added into one track (up to 99999 bytes of data). Of course,
it is possible to display them as well:-)
- Selections:
- Unique, simple selection for play by artist, album, genre, year etc.
by right-click menu
- Favourite selections subsystem, including batch commands for handling
- List Wizard (export data) to file in TXT, HTML (include link!), DBF, XLS
(MS Excel), CSV file format.
- Define own rules for sorting - there is quadruple compound sorting index
available. Or simply click on any header for quick sorting (first click sorts
up, seconds down, right click resets to default).
- Remote control of all players (skip to next/previous song, pause), 20 seconds
skip function for Winamp
- Volume control with coloured scale
- CD Cache as a complete subsystem supporting multiple "mp3 CD" (playing, searching,
creating list, copying files from multiple CD's...).
- Many mass editing functions: Copy/Paste ID3 Tag, ID3 Tagger, Image Linker,
- Copying/moving files to any folder with option to create folders as Artist\Album.
Just select and go.
- Unique, reliable subsystem for bitrate/song length detection.
- Mass renaming
- On Screen Display - advanced, independent visual mode
- Command line options
- Drag and Drop capability
New features added in latest version
New features
- Whole new complex track filtering system including Quick and Advanced Filtering.
- The keyboard navigation enabled for "Comment" field
- Improved Goto menu for easy access.
- Mass editing of the "inhb" indicator (inhibit for random selection).
- Freeware status changed into shareware.
- Ctrl+F5 and F5 combined to F5.
- Move files faster when moving to the same drive.
- CoolPlayer supported instead of WinPlay.
- The "inhb" indicator moved into Lyrics3 Tag.
- Bug in changing file attributes in NT/Win2000 system.
- Runtimes version check.
- Old problem with some menu commands starting twice has been fixed.