Budeme se zde sna₧it vybudovat jakousi elektronickou knihovnu s informacemi
a nßvody o OS/2. Knihovna mß zatφm dv∞ Φßsti:
OS/2.cz e-books - to jsou pravΘ OS/2.cz
e-booky - v∞tÜinou nßvody, popisy nebo delÜφ Φlßnky t²kajφcφ se prßv∞ OS/2.
Do tΘto sekce m∙₧e p°idat sv∙j e-book ka₧d²! StaΦφ, aby nßm svojφ prßci
poslal a mi u₧ se o zbytek postarßme... Prosφm tedy vÜechny, kte°φ
sem mohou n∞co p°idat, a¥ se ozvou, proto₧e jedin∞ s pomocφ vÜech zde bude
moci vzniknout opravdovß elektronickß knihovna/2 :).
IBM e-books - jde o r∙znΘ informaΦnφ
materißly, kterΘ dalo IBM k dispozici.
Pokud m∙₧ete, pomozte vÜem u₧ivatel∙m OS/2 a dejte svou prßci k dispozici!
Podrobn∞jÜφ informace naleznete zde. |
We would like to build something as "electronical library"
here, with informations about OS/2 (manuals, tips, tricks etc). Now, this
library have two parts:
OS/2.cz e-books - this is
the most important part of library. Our e-books are manuals, large articles
etc writed by our readers and OS/2 users. Now, there is only some "czech
work". If you have some informations, manuals or somthing interesting,
please send it to us! Only with your help, we can build a large library.
For more information about your work in our library, click here.
IBM e-books - these
are documents with infromations from IBM.
If you would like to help OS/2 and all OS/2 users, please
send us your work and we┤ll put it to our library. Click here
for more informations.