Profil firmy
Profil firmy
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INET, a.s. is primarily an e-commerce SW development company with a strong Research & Development and young international team with professionals from Canada, India, Slovakia etc.

Thanks to a venture capital INET develops a new LEGO® like tool and platform - HyperQbs™ - for developers of extensive web applications.

INET with its activities targets global market with partners like Progress Software, SUN Microsystems and Intel. INET is also preparing for opening a sales & marketing daughter company in Silicon Valley, CA.

We search for hi-profile:

  • developers and programmers in JAVA, XML and relational db
  • analyst
  • a product manager and web officer
  • consultant for communication with application partners, training and tech writer
  • a tester

    Depending on a position we require:

  • Result oriented approach - self-starter
  • Managerial abilities
  • English is a must
  • Knowledge of Java, EJB, XML and relational db

    Product manager & Web Officer

  • Shapes the business aspect of the product as being part of the development team
  • Product manager is a business counterpart of Chief developer
  • Product manager and Chief developer work very closely on meeting performance targets defined by CEO
  • Takes care of WEB presence, its design and content
  • Monitors competition

    Consultant - trainer

  • Will take part in analysis and create documents for developers based on the analysis
  • Application Partner support and communication
  • Tech-writer


  • Tester is responsible for testing and putting distribution together
  • Gathers feedback from Alfa and Beta users over the Internet and passes it onto the developers
  • Works on Qb certification process

    Please submit your professional CVs to with a position of interest stated.