
List of tags

The p element establishes both the line wrap and alignment parameters for a paragraph. If the text alignment is not specified, it defaults to left. If the line-wrap mode is not specified, it is identical to the line-wrap mode of the previous paragraph in the current card. Empty paragraphs (ie, an empty element or an element with only insignificant white space) will be considered as insignificant and ignored by browsers. If the first p element in a card does not specify a line-wrap or alignment mode, that mode defaults to the initial mode for the card.

The browser will insert a line break into the text flow between significant paragraphs.

NameData typeMandatoryDefaultDescription
alignTALIGNXleft Specifies the text alignment mode for the paragraph. Can be 'left', 'center', or 'right'.
modeWRAPMODEXwrap (or as in previous paragraph) Specifies the line-wrap mode for the paragraph. 'wrap' specifies breaking text mode and 'nowrap' specifies non-breaking text mode.
xml:langStringX The natural or formal language of the tag or its attributes
idStringX A unique name for the tag within the deck
classStringX A name of a class of which the tag is a member

Nested tags:
<do> <em> <strong> <b> <i> <u> <big> <small> <br> <img> <anchor> <a> <table> <input> <select> <fieldset>