
List of tags

The input element specifies a text entry object. The user input is constrained by the optional format attribute.

NameData typeMandatoryDefaultDescription
idStringX A unique name for the tag within the deck
classStringX A name of a class of which the tag is a member
xml:langStringX The natural or formal language of the tag or its attributes
nameString  Specifies the name of the variable to set with the result of the user's text input. The name variable's value is used to pre-load the text entry object. If this value does not conform to the input mask, the browser will unset the variable and attempt to initialise the variable with the value attribute
typeINPUT_TYPEXtext Specifies the type of text-input area. The following values are allowed: 'text' (text entry control) or 'password' (a text entry control where each character is displayed in an illegible form, such as with asterisks)
valueStringX The value attribute indicates the default value of the variable named in the name attribute. When the element is displayed and the variable named in the name attribute is not set, the name variable is assigned the value specified in the value attribute. If the name variable already contains a value, the value attribute is ignored. If the value attribute specifies a value that does not conform to the input mask specified by the format attribute, the browser must ignore the value attribute. In the case where no valid value can be established, the name variable is left unset
formatStringX*M Specifies an input mask for user input entries. The string consists of mask control characters and static text that is displayed in the input area. The format control characters specify the data format expected to be entered by the user. The format codes are: 'A' (entry of any upper-case, non-numeric character); 'a' (entry of any lower-case, non-numeric character); 'N' (entry of any numeric character); 'X' (entry of any upper-case character); 'x' (entry of any lower-case character); 'M' (entry of any character); 'm' (entry of any character); '*f' (entry of any number of characters where f is one of the above format codes); 'nf' (entry of n characters where n is from 1 to 9 and f is one of the above format codes); '\c' (display the character, c, in the entry field: these characters are considered part of the input's value).
emptyokBooleanXfalse Indicates that this input element accepts empty input although a non-empty format string has been specified
sizeNUMBERX Specifies the width, in characters, of the text-input area.
maxlengthNUMBERXInfinite Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered by the user in the text-entry area.
tabindexNUMBERX Specifies the tabbing position of the current element. The tabbing position indicates the relative order in which elements are traversed when tabbing within a single WML card.
titleStringX Specifies a title for this element, which may be used in the presentation of this object.