
List of tags

A WML deck contains a collection of cards. The card element is a container of text and input elements that is sufficiently flexible to allow presentation and layout in a wide variety of devices, with a wide variety of display and input characteristics. A card can contain markup, input fields and elements indicating the structure of the card.

A card's id may be used as a fragment anchor.

NameData typeMandatoryDefaultDescription
xml:langStringX The natural or formal language of the tag or its attributes
idStringX A unique name for the tag within the deck
classStringX A name of a class of which the tag is a member
titleStringX Specifies advisory information about the card. The title may be rendered in a variety of ways by the browser (suggested bookmark name, pop-up tooltip, etc.)
newcontextBooleanXFALSE Indicates that the current browser context should be re-initialised upon entry to this card
orderedBooleanXTRUE Specifies a hint to the browser about the organisation of the card content. May be used to organise the content presentation or to otherwise influence layout of the card
onenterforwardHREFX The URI that is loaded when the user navigates into the card using a go task
onenterbackwardHREFX The URI that is loaded when the user navigates back into the card using a prev task
ontimerHREFX The URI that is loaded when the timer expires

Nested tags:
<do> <onevent> <timer> <p>