Wood + furniture
Name: BLANK a.s.
Contact person: Ing. Vladimír Blank
Phone: 0042-0465-525291
Fax: 0042-0465-523264
Street: Vrbenského 747
City: Ústí nad Orlicí
ZIP: 562 01
E-mail: blank@blank.cz
Specification: Our company has been producing wooden toys for more than 70 years.
All our production has been tested - EN 71.
Contact person: Oldrich Spisek
Phone: +420 2 295533
Fax: +420 2 292616
Street: Karlovo nám. 3
City: Praha 2
ZIP: 120 00
Specification: Hockey sticks
Name: BSK Metal s.r.o.
Contact person: ing.Zdenek Kuban
Phone: 069/6012541
Fax: 069/6013313
Street: Jateční
City: Bohumín
ZIP: 73581
Specification: Performance stands and other shop- equipment production. Free catalogues
and reference-list on your wish.
Name: Cibero Export-Import, Inc.
Contact person: M.Ludva
Phone: (305) 304 2942
Fax: (305) 716 9253
Street: 1624 Sirugo Ave
City: Key West
ZIP: 33040
Specification: We're Czech import company from Miami.
We represent Czech producers from Czech and Slovak Republic.
Our products are in web site www.cibero.com - glass,crystal,furniture,
Name: Drevotvar Jablonné nad Orlicí
Contact person: Zajícek Ivo
Phone: 0446 641325
Fax: 0446 641505
Street: Slezská 535
City: Jablonné nad Orlicí
ZIP: 561 64
Specification: Hotel furniture. Complete dining room, living room and bedrooms suites,
plus a large range of complementary furniture, including students and childrens furniture.
Alongside furniture, Drevotvar also manufacture a wide range of good quality wooden
kitchen utensils, featuring:cutting boards, wooden spoons, meat mallets, rolling pins,
mills and scrapers. We also manufacture coffins.
Name: Drevozávod Prazan s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Petr Prazan
Phone: 0463/722182
Fax: 0463/722195
Street: Terezy Novakové 315
City: Policka
ZIP: 57217
Specification: assortment of packaging based on wood products, wooden products for the
garden, coniferous sawnwood
Contact person: Radislav Kroviář
Phone: 069/6699237
Fax: 069/6699331
Street: Poděbradova 61a
City: Ostrava
ZIP: 70200
E-mail: enespo@enespo.cz
Name: Excella-CZ,s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Daniela Krejcí
Phone: 067/7675680
Fax: 067/7675682
Street: Letiště 1578
City: Otrokovice
ZIP: 76581
Email: excella@zl.inext.cz
Specification: czech producer of plastic garden furniture, garden umbrellas, cushions and
the others articles for home and garden
Name: Export-Import Hochmann Josef
Contact person: paní Zbiňová
Phone: 019/7981066, 7982048,0602-414280,625935
Fax: 019/7982048,7981066
Street: Masarykovo náměstí 109, P.O.BOX 38
City: Přeštice
ZIP: 33401
E-mail: hochmann@mbox.vol.cz
Specification: Hochmann´s Woodcarving World:bethlehems,statues of Madona,crosses,
statuettes and statues of All Saints, reliefs,copies of original products-replicas
Hochmann´s Wood World:ecofuel-packed wooden briquets, we sell single and special palettes
for business productive ways and stores.
Name: GUMOTEX, a.s.
Contact person: Mgr. Lubomír Dofek - vedoucí marketingu
Phone: 00420/627/314807
Fax: 00420/627/314809
Street: Mládežnická 3
City: Břeclav
ZIP: 690 75
Specification: Production of more than 25 types of PUR foams MOLITAN® of both ether and
aster type in the form of slabstocks, slabs and complicated shaped products. Production of
bands, slabs and mattress cores of foam rubber (latex). Production of wide assortment of
covered mattresses - one - and three - part mattresses of PUR foam MOLITAN®, spring,
sandwich, latex, bio - mattresses.
Name: LESOSTAVBY Trebon a.s. - branch Protivin
Contact person: Ing. Pavel Linhart
Phone: 00420/362/851124
Fax: 00420/362/851124
Street: M. Krásové 816
City: Protivín
ZIP: 39811
Specification: wood-processing (sawn timber, wooden parquets, floors, wooden parts),
construction and building (houses, roads, ponds, purpose buildings, historical builings
Contact person: Jan Rosicky
Fax: ++420337743280
Street: Nove Dobrkovice 52
City: Cesky Krumlov
ZIP: 381 01
Specification: We produce zinc cast ,wich can be used nearly everywhere.You only show us
design and you choose colour.You should order at least 1000 pieces ,because then is
product too expensive.
We offer you kitchen units of czech production.
Name: MP Gemini, s.r.o.
Contact person: Marika Martínková
Phone: +420-602362696
Fax: +420-2-293389
Street: V chaloupkách 9
City: Praha - západ
ZIP: 252 25
Specification: Our company sales safes for banks and houses.
Name: P&T,v.o.s.
Contact person: Fučík František
Phone: 00421897634895
Fax: 00421897634895
Street: Bôricka 103
City: Žilina
ZIP: 010 01
Specification: Sheep wool
Name: RB design
Contact person: Ing. Radka Lehka
Phone: 00420 / 428 29308, 602 646180
Fax: 00420 / 428 29308
Street: Mesicni 13
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
ZIP: 466 01
Name: REX s.r.o.
Contact person: Kamil Beránek
Phone: 05 43216843
Fax: 05 43216843
Street: Jasanová 28
City: Blansko
ZIP: 678 01
E-mail: rexbrno@volny.cz
Specification: Firm REX Ltd. , Uhelná 11b, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Supply Decorating
Castings. We Introduce From Rich Offer For Example: Cast's Fencing, Berms, Cast Handles,
Tables, Cast Grilles, Cast Points, Cast Guns, Statues And So On. Our Products Are Already
Now Decorating Many Towns At Czech Republic Also At Others European Countries.
Name: Rollpa Morava s.r.o.
Contact person: PhDr.Vaclav Husak
Phone: +420 2 7175 05 39
Fax: +420 27175 05 40
Street: Nad Kosikem 8
City: Praha 10
ZIP: 102 00
Specification: Kit set furniture from paper and plastic.
Name: Salva Grup, spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ivan Rebej
Phone: ++420 (0) 464 612751, 612483
Fax: ++420 (0) 464 612483
Street: Smetanovo nám. 136
City: Litomyšl
ZIP: 570 01
Specification: We are importers of following wooden materials:
plywood, hardboard, hardboard one face laminated, chipboard, sawn wood.
We offer best prices, top quality and best terms and conditions.
Name: Spacil JOINER´s
Contact person: Mr.Spacil
Phone: +420 5 44220755
Fax: +420 5 44220755
City: Krenovice
E-mail: wood@bond.cz
Specification: Czech wooden toys and gift items.The magic of our toys belongs on their
movement funcion. Our toys have got all necessary certificanions for EU countries .
Name: Stakoma, v.o.s
Contact person: p. Stezka Josef
Phone: 047/5602056, 5601443, 5601421
Fax: 047/5602056, 5601443
Street: U skladiště 15
City: Ústí nad Labem
ZIP: 400 01
Specification: Ours firm with under-used to be sale construction material, wood (sawn
wood, prism and the like., hard, soft wood)and further joiner production, namely: loot
cartridge on bottled vintage, deck, flooring, plank, boards, moulding different dimension,
length and form.
Contact person: Fiala Robert
Phone: 0657 / 631886
Fax: 0657 / 631887
Street: Tichá 1830
City: Vsetin
ZIP: 755 01
Name: TOKOZ a.s.
Contact person: Mgr. Vojtěch Nagy
Phone: 420 616 630 456, 420 603 501 504
Fax: 420 616 630 909
Street: Santiniho 26
City: Žďár nad Sázavou
ZIP: 591 02
Specification: Manufacture of security mechanisms (padlocks, hasps, safes), building and
furniture fittings
Contact person: ing.Holý Petr
Phone: 0651/634170
Fax: 0651/634171
Street: Zašová 633
City: Zašová
ZIP: 75651
Specification: production of wood windows and doors - EURO PROFILE
Name: Miroslav Valenta - VALKO
Contact person: Miroslav Valenta
Phone: 0445/531545
Fax: 0445/531436
Street: Ekologická 540
City: Rychnov n. Kn.
ZIP: 51601
E-mail: valko@hrk.pvtnet.cz
Specification: Valko is a metalworking company especially engaged in set but also in lump
production including cooperation.
We perform following activities: drilling, milling, turning, pressing, honing.
Additionally we provide woodwork and commercial activities.