Firms representation
Name: Bond marketing s.r.o.
Contact person: Pavel Šolc
Phone: 0042 05 44220756
Fax: 0042 05 44220755
Street: Palackého nám.89
City: Slavkov u Brna
ZIP: 68401
Specification: Internet Presentation Fullservice - design, realisation, promotion of
www-pages. Fullservice in direct marketing - Czech market ( selction from Czech branche
database, direct mail, completting and distribution), Translation fullservice (languages
Name: Help Studio spol. s r. o.
Contact person: Ing. Josef Januška
Phone: 0628-342520
Fax: 0628-342519
Street: Sadová 9
City: Hodonín
ZIP: 69501
Specification: ECONOMIC CONSULTING:Accounting,Economic expertise,Credit policy consulting,
Income taxes, Corporation taxes, Value added taxes,Trade Law Consultancy, Complex
assistance with setting up a new business. SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE.
Name: IES
Contact person: Ing.Petr Kunc
Phone: 0602/241499
Fax: 02/7936067
Street: U Uranie 4
City: Praha 7
ZIP: 170 00
Specification: servers
Contact person: Petr Vosáhlo
Fax: 00420/457/2181
Street: 28.ríjna 1525
City: Prelouc
ZIP: 53501
Specification: We are ready to provide the following services:
- direct trade representation for the Czech Republic
- representation of travel and transport agencies
- advertisement and information services
- organisation of exhibitions and their personal background
- organisation of business journeys and business negotiations
- rent of the offices and congress facilities including hiring
staff and interpreters
- export, import
- searching for suitable trade partners
- sale of your products through our trade partners
- searching for the best localities, real estates and lands
- other services according to your demands
Company INFAK is also active in the sphere of direct trade
exchange on the grounds of demand/offer relations in the following fields:
Food, consumption products, wood, agricultural products,
chemistry, pharmacy, machinery products, building industry and other.
If you are interested in the further co-operation, please,
send your business offers and demands to our E-mail adress.
Name: MP Gemini, s.r.o.
Contact person: Marika Martínková
Phone: +420-602362696
Fax: +420-2-293389
Street: V chaloupkách 9
City: Praha - západ
ZIP: 252 25
Specification: Our company sales safes for banks and houses.
Name: RB design
Contact person: Ing. Radka Lehka
Phone: 00420 / 428 29308, 602 646180
Fax: 00420 / 428 29308
Street: Mesicni 13
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
ZIP: 466 01
Name: RÜETSCHI, spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ivo Vlcek
Phone: 02/779800
Fax: 02/779801
Street: Na Trebešíne 37
City: Praha - 10
ZIP: 100 00
Specification: Activity of the company, RÜETSCHI, spol. s r.o. – Praha
Rüetschi, spol. s r.o. was founded in 1991 as a branch of the Rüetschi & Co., AG
SUHR company, Swiss. The main subject of our activities is the mediation of
sub-contractors for machinery parts from the Czech Republic for manufacturers in western
Europe and for our Swiss central. Our experienced team of employees, in close cooperation
with our Swiss partner, aim mainly on searching for economically and technically favorable
cooperation in the supply of:
low and high-voltage Electricmotorsmotors, directcurrent electric motors, generators
components for electric motors, wound stators, flush electric motors, commutators
production of aluminium die-castings parts and permanent castings of aluminum, including
the manufacture of molds
manufacture of castings from gray cast iron including the manufacture of molds
precise metall working of machine parts
consultation with foreign companies
We are able to locate, evaluate and recommend the most favorable manufacturer that is able
to supply according to the norms of western European countries.
We take full responsibility for the quality and supply ethics and in addition to
inspections at the manufacturer we perform our own out going inspections, and thus we are
able to assure the high quality of European standards.
It has been a pleasure to be able to place another machinery company among our satisfied
and long time customers.
Name: VSZ Bohemia a.s. Praha
Contact person: Stefan Sklenár
Phone: (+420-2)66784420
Fax: (+420-2)66784439
Street: Jankovcova 2
City: Praha 7 - Holešovice
ZIP: 170 88