Electrotechnological ind.

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Name: APEL s.r.o.
Contact person: ing.Miloslav Hušek
Phone: 0433-22352
Fax: 0433-24931
Street: Jiráskova 31
ZIP: 50601
Specification: Control mosaic panels, information light and electromagnetic panels, fullcolor videodisplays for advertising, production, sport, transport, information displays.
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Name: Control Techniques Brno
Contact person:
ing.Zdenek Dostál, CSc.
Phone: 05/41192111
Fax: 05/41192115
Street: Podnikatelská 26
City: Brno
ZIP: 61200
Specification: Control Techniques electric motor drives - drive centre for the Czech and Slovak Republics.
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Name: E&T System s.r.o.
Contact person: ing.Kucera
Phone: ++42 616 676132
Fax: ++42 616 675132
Street: Nizkov 119
City: Nizkov
ZIP: 592 12
Specification: We offer:
Shouldering and soldering PCB (SMT too). Winding coil by diameter of wire 1 mm.
Less production runs.
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Contact person: Ales Karban
Phone: 05/47231243
Fax: 05/47236270
Street: Jizdarenska 227
City: Hrusovany u Brna
ZIP: 66462
E-mail: electro@bond.cz
Specification: Production company: manufacturing of switchboards (switch-gear) Products are ISO 9002 certicied.
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Name: Imaging Systems s.r.o.
Contact person: A. Konarovský
Phone: 02/6832853-4
Fax: 02/6837597
Kozeluzská 8
City: Praha 8
ZIP: 180 00
Specification: we scann paper documents and transfer them in to electornics form. We specialized for management of datas in software as LaserFiche, Recollect and Recognita with services as Optical Character Recognization and indexing of papers. We do also analyse, projects, installations and scanning of documents for easy searching papers and increasing effectivity of work and security with any paper documents.
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Name: Norman s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Karel Marek
Phone: +420656/836660
Fax: +420656/836204
Martinská ctvrt, obj. 29
City: Frenštát p.R.
ZIP: 744 01
Specification: The firm NORMAN s.r.o. takes an interest to offer its products.
This is the question from the sphere of light – voltage regulations systems, power electronics, autoeletronics and electronics for common use:
-Frequency conventers 4 –55 kW for speed control of asynchronnous motors
-Voltage regulators for alternators type “A” – manufacture MEZ Frenstat – CZ
Switch of tranzistor automobile ignitions for SKODA FAVORIT cars and SKODA FELICIA cars with carburetter. Cooling regulators for lorries TATRA
Capacity of sphere DPS fitting, brazing ( ERSA ), DPS testing of printed wiring boards.
The firm NORMAN s.r.o. secures quality requiremts according to the international standard ISO 9001.
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Name: OBZOR v.d. Zlin
Contact person: Josef Langpaul
Phone: 067/61155,616 kl.321
Fax: 067/62589
Street: Louky-Slanica 378
City: Zlin
ZIP: 76413
Specification: Production cooperative OBZOR is mainly intended on the production of the small electrotechnonical appliances, sprayer and dispenser technology, gasket production, production of metal parts and parts for the automobile industry.
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Name: Patriot s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Lehký
Phone: 0428/25492, 314516
Fax: 0428/25492, 314516
Street: Opletalova 9
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
ZIP: 466 01
Specification: Production, export / import and design of lighting systems.
Industry lamps, downlights, halogen bulbs, discharge lamps
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Name: Plastika v.d.
Contact person: ing.M.Borová
Phone: 0634/511119
Fax: 0634/331179
Street: Kaplanova 2830
ZIP: 76711
E-mail: chemie@bond.cz
Specification: plastics mouldings production used by computer production, in electronical and car (and other) industries. Technology: thermoplastic material moulding.
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Name: ROmiLL, spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Roman Vopálka
Phone: (+420 5) 41 21 36 40
Fax: (+420 5) 41 21 36 40
Street: Kotlarska 53
City: Brno
ZIP: 658 92
Specification: Two main branches: feed processing machines and industrial microwave (MW) heating equipment. Series of 4 power types of roller mills - grinders, mashers and pellet crushers for farmers and industrial feed mills, capacity 0.5 - 20 t/hr. Saving 50 % electrical energy compared with hammer mills. Horizontal mixers of loose products/feeds. Industrial MW heating equipment: lines for continuous processing of foods (sterilization, pre-cooking, drying, enzyme inactivation, thawing), feeds, ceramics, wood, plastics, composites, chemicals, pharmaceutics etc. Designed according to customer needs.
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Name: RÜETSCHI, spol. s r.o.
Contact person:
Ivo Vlcek
Phone: +420 2 74779800
Fax: +420 2 7477980
Na Trebešíne 37
City: Praha - 10
ZIP: 100 00
E-mail: ruetschi.ivo@netforce.cz
Specification: Activity of the company, RÜETSCHI, spol. s r.o. – Praha
Rüetschi, spol. s r.o. was founded in 1991 as a branch of the Rüetschi & Co., AG SUHR company, Swiss. The main subject of our activities is the mediation of sub-contractors for machinery parts from the Czech Republic for manufacturers in western Europe and for our Swiss central. Our experienced team of employees, in close cooperation with our Swiss partner, aim mainly on searching for economically and technically favorable cooperation in the supply of:
low and high-voltage Electricmotorsmotors, directcurrent electric motors, generators
components for electric motors, wound stators, flush electric motors, commutators
production of aluminium die-castings parts and permanent castings of aluminum, including the manufacture of molds
manufacture of castings from gray cast iron including the manufacture of molds
precise metall working of machine parts
consultation with foreign companies
We are able to locate, evaluate and recommend the most favorable manufacturer that is able to supply according to the norms of western European countries.
We take full responsibility for the quality and supply ethics and in addition to inspections at the manufacturer we perform our own out going inspections, and thus we are able to assure the high quality of European standards.
It has been a pleasure to be able to place another machinery company among our satisfied and long time customers.
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Firm: SKODA ENERGO s.r.o.
Contact: Mr.Jiri Stary
Phone: 019 707 5000
Fax: 019 707 4910
Street: Namesti Ceskych bratri 8
City: Plzen
ZIP: 316 00
SKODA ENERGO is a power engineering company specialised in construction of thermal and hydro-power plants, combined-cycle plants and substations.
The manufacturing capacities are organised in separate production units with the following range of products: Turbines and associated equipment; Rotaring electric machinery; Power transformers, circuit breakers and other substations equipment; Electronic control systems.

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Name: Solatec s.r.o.
Contact person: Vladan Macalík
Phone: 0651/603377
Fax: 0651/603393
Street: 1.máje 1000/M3
Rožnov pod Rdhoštem
ZIP: 75661
Specification: PV solar cells manufacturing. Sales of PV solar systém accessories (controllers, batteries, inverters). Designing and instalations of PV systems.
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Name: Štrunc - projekty
Contact person: Ing. Aleš Štrunc, CSc.
Phone: 0604 552742
Fax: 420 19 532679
Toužimská 4
City: Pl
ZIP: 32334
Specification: Consulting firm in industrial structures, power plants, heat stations, halls, stands, machine foundations, poles.
Static and dynamic analyses - steel, concrete, timber.
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SVED,elektrotechnické druzstvo
Contact person:
Ing.Jirí Kovacic
Phone: +420-48-2770010
Fax: +420-48-2770019
Street: Švermova 268
City: Liberec 10
ZIP: 46010
Specification: transformers 1P and 3P from 4VA to 20.000VA
ballasts for fluorescent lamps 7,9,11W and 10,13W
switchboards to 1.500 A
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ZPA Pecky, a.s.
Contact person: ing.Michal Krúpa
Phone: 00420324945141
Fax: 00420324945167
tr.5.kvetna 166
ZIP: 289 11
Specification: We have two main production branches: Electric Actuators and Electric switchboards.MODACT actuators were designed to actuate
the Gate, Knife, and Globe valves with MODACT MO Multi-turn; Regulating valves, Louvers and Dampers with MODACT LEVER Type;
Butterfly and Ball valves with MODACT MOK Quarter-turn actuators; Regulating valves with MODACT MT Linear type.
- MODACT MO, MO-EEx, MOA, MPS, MT, MOK, KP-MINI can be delivered as MODACT CONTROL with ZP2.xx position regulator.
- Higher torques (up to 250 000 Nm) can be achieved in combination with MASTERGEAR worm gear boxes (250 000 Nm) or bevel gear boxes (16 000 Nm).
COOPERATION: ZPA Pecky, J.S.C. offers machining of mechanical parts on CNC turning, milling, drilling and boring machines.
Metal sheet parts up to 1250 x 2500 size: CNC punching, bending, welding, painting.
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