Electronical products

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Name: AITEC s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Milan Vodehnal
Phone: 0452/620 565, 621 380
Fax: 0452/620 565
Street: Husovo namesti 14
City: Ledec nad Sazavou
ZIP: 584 01
Specification: Contractor of driving systems, appliance for surface edits of electroplatting and surface edits lacquering, purification of waste waters, technologies.
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Name: A.R.C.
Contact person:
Ing.Václav Dzambík
Phone: +420-69-6956127, +420-602-530460
Street: K.Šmidkeho 1799
City: Ostrava-Poruba
ZIP: 708 00
Specification: Sell the education equipment, produced at Czech Republic
Language laboratory L224 (max.24 pupils)
Digital language player DP60 - for individual education of foreign languages
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Contact person: Ing. Ladislav Opekar
Phone: 0166-435927
Fax: 0166-431124
Pražská 25/A
City: Cheb
ZIP: 350 02
Specification: Bonnel technology is na international asset management company which mainly deals in the telecommunications sector.
We offer:
development and producing electrical and electrically-mechanical devices, equipments for telecommunication, production for commission.
We dispose of free capacities for the production (about 15-20 employees, production hall - area 800 sqm). We export various products to - for example - ConradElectronic Gmbh, UherInformatik Gmbh, SPT Telecom and others. You can found us in Czech republic (Cheb city) near boundary line with West Germany (about 6 km). There is best possibility for cooperation with Germany partners.
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Contact person: Ing. Karel Zvolský
Phone: 00 420 67 7618240
Fax: 00 420 67 7618239
Street: Lešetín 651
City: Zlín
ZIP: 760 01
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Name: Control Techniques Brno
Contact person:
ing.Zdenek Dostál, CSc.
Phone: 05/41192111
Fax: 05/41192115
Street: Podnikatelská 26
City: Brno
ZIP: 61200
Specification: Control Techniques electric motor drives - drive centre for the Czech and Slovak Republics.
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Firm: Copytechnik spol. s r.o.
Phone: 00420 651 602570
Fax: 00420 651 602576
Street: 1.maje 1000
City: Roznov pod Radhostem
ZIP: 75661
Contact person:: Vlastimil Prorok
Specifikacion: Canon copiers, spare parts

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Name: E&T System s.r.o.
Contact person: ing.Kucera
Phone: ++42 616 676132
Fax: ++42 616 675132
Street: Nizkov 119
City: Nizkov
ZIP: 592 12
Specification: We offer:
Shouldering and soldering PCB (SMT too). Winding coil by diameter of wire 1 mm.
Less production runs.
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Name: Elektromechanika Úvaly,s.r.o.
Contact person: Jaromír Grygera
Phone: 02/9972433,0603275974
Fax: 02/8550787
Street: Klostermannova 1000
City: Úvaly
ZIP: 250 82
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Name: Imaging Systems s.r.o.
Contact person: A. Konarovský
Phone: 02/6832853-4
Fax: 02/6837597
Kozeluzská 8
City: Praha 8
ZIP: 180 00
Specification: we scann paper documents and transfer them in to electornics form. We specialized for management of datas in software as LaserFiche, Recollect and Recognita with services as Optical Character Recognization and indexing of papers. We do also analyse, projects, installations and scanning of documents for easy searching papers and increasing effectivity of work and security with any paper documents.
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Name: La Boheme UK Ltd.
Contact person: Mr Alexandr Spirov
Phone: +44 208 239 9993
Fax: +44 208 401 1958
Street: 31 Oliver Grove
City: London
Specification: Import & Export company dealing in the following areas: delicacies, sparkling wines, cosmetic products, model engines, surveillance equipment and educational tools. Our whole range can be obtained at lower prices through our online shopping facility.
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Name: Lubomir Kult
Contact person: Lubomir Kult
Phone: 0042 0184 798272, 0042 0602 494982
Fax: 0042 0184 798263
Plzenská 304
City: Planá
ZIP: 34815
E-mail: lubomir.kult@telecom.cz
Specification: Wir bieten unsere Fertigungwerkstätte ( ganz staubfrei ) mit 15-Arbeiterinnen. Arbeitsfläche 150m2 für Kompletierung von Feinmachanik- , Elektronik-, Optikteilen und ganzen fertigen Produkten. Wir arbeiten seit 3 Jahren mit Firma Siemens Nixdorf zusammen. Wir können ganze Zollagenda übernehmen. Kommunikation in Deutsch. Transport mit unserem Ford Transit. Unser Werkstatt ist ganz nah der Duetsch-Tschechischen Gränze.
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Name: Norman s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Karel Marek
Phone: +420656/836660
Fax: +420656/836204
Martinská ctvrt, obj. 29
City: Frenštát p.R.
ZIP: 744 01
Specification: The firm NORMAN s.r.o. takes an interest to offer its products.
This is the question from the sphere of light – voltage regulations systems, power electronics, autoeletronics and electronics for common use:
-Frequency conventers 4 –55 kW for speed control of asynchronnous motors
-Voltage regulators for alternators type “A” – manufacture MEZ Frenstat – CZ
Switch of tranzistor automobile ignitions for SKODA FAVORIT cars and SKODA FELICIA cars with carburetter. Cooling regulators for lorries TATRA
Capacity of sphere DPS fitting, brazing ( ERSA ), DPS testing of printed wiring boards.
The firm NORMAN s.r.o. secures quality requiremts according to the international standard ISO 9001.
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Name: Plastika v.d.
Contact person: ing.M.Borová
Phone: 0634/511119
Fax: 0634/331179
Street: Kaplanova 2830
ZIP: 76711
E-mail: chemie@bond.cz
Specification: plastics mouldings production used by computer production, in electronical and car (and other) industries. Technology: thermoplastic material moulding.
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