

Menu: File - New Hotkey: Ctrl-N Click this button to create a new empty drawing. QCad creates a new drawing automatically on every startup. If you plan to use QCad regular, it's recommended to create a template drawing with a standard border and the layers you usually use. To start a new drawing you can simply open this template and save it under a new name.

Menu: File - Open Hotkey: Ctrl-O Click this button to load an existing drawing. QCad can load drawings in the DXF, HPGL (PLT) and NC format. Alternative to this, you can use File, Add to add a file to the current active drawing.
Menu: File - Save As Using this option shows a dialog where you can choose a name for the file to write. You can either overwrite an existing DXF file or create a new one.

Menu: File - Save Hotkey: Ctrl-S If there's been chosen a name for this drawing or it was loaded from disk before, QCad won't ask for a name with this function. The old version of the file gets overwritten. If there's no name known for this drawing, this function makes the same like "Save As".

File - Close Input Hotkey: Ctrl-W This function closes the active drawing. Note: You need to save the drawing before you close it. Otherwise you will loose the drawing.

File - Setup Printer Use this function to change the current printer settings (Paper size, borders, postscript options, ...). The setup dialog appears automatically the first time you print or switch to the print preview.

File - Print Hotkey: Ctrl-P This will print the current view of the drawing with the chosen printing options. I strongly recommend to switch to the print preview before printing.

File - Print Preview QCad supports two different viewing modes: The normal mode for construction and the print preview mode for adjust the drawing for printing. However, you can do everything in both modes. It's a good idea to activate to printing mode before you print the drawing. Otherwise you may not get the result you expect.
File - Quit Hotkey: Ctrl-Q This will quit the program after asking you if you're sure that you want to quit. Note: You will loose any drawings which you haven't saved so far, if you quit QCad.

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