Now lets go back to The Material settings.
As you will see there's a Pink
Marble looking Texture over our Orange ball.
Well, as far as i know real
fire aint Pink, so we need to change that colour
to a yellow colour.
On the right side of the HALO
button you will see allot of other Buttons.
Those are more settings for
the texture that we just created.
As you look good you will see
a pink bar between those buttons.
and yes the
and B
buttons below changes that colour.
Set those to:
R: 1.000\
G: 1.000
>- this will create a light yellow colour.
B: 0.600/
Well, as you look at the Square
view on the left you'll see that we have a
ball with an Orange/Yellow texture.
To let the fire go upwards we
need to set the Y size to 0.30
So if you turn your eyeballs
a few degrees to the left you'll see the size
SizeX: 1.00
SizeY: 1.00
SizeZ: 1.00
Click with your left and right(or
middle) mouse button on the `SizeY:'
and change the value to 0.30
As you can see in the view, the
Texture is stretched upwards now..
Oke.. thats more like a fire..
lets turn on the Alpha to get the flames.
If you move your eyeballs a
bit to the right you will see a button called
its between HARD
and EMIT =).
Activate it.
Now as you can see it starts to looks a bit flame alike..
lets see if your fire is starting to look like one.
Next to the right of the Square
View You see a button called `HaloSize:'
Set the value of it to 4.00
(doesn't have to be exact 4.00 ,just close
enough its good also
If you done that then press F12 for a preview render..
And !?.. is it starting to look
like a fire ? =).. oke.. lets go on to make
it more realistic!.