This is the DJGPP Frequently-Asked Questions List. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Eli Zaretskii.
This is the second edition of the FAQ list, and is consistent with version 2.01 of DJGPP.
This FAQ list may be freely distributed with the DJGPP package or any part thereof, provided that this copyright notice is left intact on all copies.
But because the DJGPP project is run by a group of volunteers on their free time, there isn't always enough time (or patience, or money ;-) to produce documentation which will describe all the subtle features and pitfalls a user should know about. The documentation of DJGPP-specific utilities and features is minimal at times, leaving wide space for confusion, in newcomers and veterans alike, and making the DJGPP learning curve steeper than it could be.
This FAQ list is an attempt to take the sting out of that learning curve, by supplying solutions for problems which are known to puzzle DJGPP users. (Another solution would be to pay to DJ Delorie and other people who develop DJGPP to produce more documentation ;-).
Some additional places to look for tutorials and other introductory material about DJGPP are listed below.
One good place to look for DJGPP features that are often overlooked is the DJGPP Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base is also available in Info format; type info knowledge from the DOS prompt. A User's Guide is also being written by several contributors; it is currently available from the DJGPP server.
Brennan Underwood maintains a home page, which is another valuable source for information about DJGPP.
You can browse the HTML version of this FAQ list on line at DJ Delorie's Web server.
Also available from the DJ's server: FAQ in several additional formats.
A previous version of this FAQ was translated into French, also available through the WWW.
This is Edition 2.11 of the FAQ, last updated 13 September 1998, for DJGPP Version 2.01.
The following master menu lists the major topics in this FAQ list, including all the indices.
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Copyright ⌐ 1998 by Eli Zaretskii | Updated Sep 1998 |
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