www.delorie.com/djgpp/v2faq/faq001.html | search |
Q: I have this problem which I absolutely MUST solve NOW! What do I do?
Here's a brief description of the necessary steps:
set PATH=C:\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH% set DJGPP=C:\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENVIf your top DJGPP directory is other than C:\DJGPP, change these two lines accordingly!
Your installation is now complete.
Here are several simple commands:
gcc -o cprog.exe cprog.c
gxx -o cxxprog.exe cxxprog.cc
gcc -c cfile1.c cxxfile2.cc
gxx -o myprog.exe cfile1.o cxxfile2.o
To compile with optimizations, add the -O2 switch to the command line. In addition, use of the -Wall switch is highly recommended: it turns on many useful diagnostic messages.
Use the DJGPP News group or mailing list. For most questions, you will have your answer in a day or two. See the details on how to ask the gurus.
This depends on your hardware and software. Detailed instructions are in system configuration guidelines.
Check out list of required and optional packages.
See subscription instructions. However, it is better to read the comp.os.msdos.djgpp news group if you have access to Usenet News.
This FAQ includes description of DJGPP archive search server. That search facility is set up by DJ Delorie, and you should use it whenever you have any questions or look for an information on a DJGPP-related subject.
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Copyright ⌐ 1998 by Eli Zaretskii | Updated Sep 1998 |
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