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1. If You Are In a Hurry

Q: Do you really mean I have to read this looongish FAQ list to get my answers?

Q: I have this problem which I absolutely MUST solve NOW! What do I do?

A: No, you don't need to read all of the FAQ unless you want to (although this is by all means recommended). The questions in this document are listed, as much as possible, in the order they appear when one goes through getting DJGPP, installing it and using it. To quickly find an answer to your question, first look at the Table of Contents. If that doesn't help, try the indices at the end of this manual. You can look up your question either by program name, or by topic name. To search the indices in Info, press i (you don't need to go to the Index node for that), then type the string you want to look up, and press <Enter>. If the first place found by Info is not what you are after, press , (comma) repeatedly, to visit the rest of the places which appear in the indices. If you don't find anything appropriate, search this FAQ for words which are pertinent to your problem(Note: Please report any issues that couldn't be found via the indices to the maintainer of this FAQ, whose name and e-mail address can be found near the end of the FAQ.). For those in a real hurry, here are some pointers to the most important topics in this FAQ list:

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  Copyright ⌐ 1998   by Eli Zaretskii     Updated Sep 1998  

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