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Q: Will DJGPP run on my brand-new Acme i986DX7/500 PC with a SCSI-III 10-Terabyte disk drive under MulticOS/42 v7.99 operating system?
DJGPP will run under native DOS; any other operating system is OK if it includes a DPMI server and supports some kind of "DOS box". Environments known to run DJGPP besides native DOS: Windows 3.1 & 3.11 DOS box, OS/2 (including Warp) DOS box, Windows 9X/DOS 7, Windows NT (on Intel CPUs), Novell NWDOS 7 and Caldera's OpenDOS (but several people have found the DPMI services of NWDOS and OpendDOS incompatible with DJGPP, so they should probably be turned off and CWSDPMI used instead), and Linux DOSEmu environment.
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