
File name
Windows Download Velikost
atimisch 3.1, 95, 98, NT FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 263 KB 3.7 Vlastnφ definice kanßl∙, nastavenφ zvuku, korekce obrazu.

Your own channel definitions, sound settings, image corrections.


mtune 3.1, 95, 98 FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 152 KB 1.71 VolnΘ lad∞nφ, neomezenΘ na pevn∞ danΘ p°edvolby.

Free on-line tuning, not limited to fixed frequencies.


NT FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 226 KB 1.71
i2c_test 3.1, 95, 98 FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 104 KB 0.9 Umo₧≥uje sledovat a m∞nit registry videodekodΘru Bt829. Mimo jinΘ vßm ukß₧e i skuteΦnΘ rozliÜenφ ATI-TV.

Allows you to watch and change registers of videodecoder Bt829. It also shows you real resolution of ATI-TV.


NT FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 180 KB 0.9
atimixer 3.1, 95, 98 FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 7 KB ? Pokud nefunguje regulace hlasitosti v ATI Playeru.


Programy, kterΘ u₧ nejsou dßle podporovanΘ. Aktußlnφ verze ATI Playeru u₧ °eÜφ problΘmy, kv∙li kter²m tyto programy vznikly. NedoporuΦuji jejich download: Programs, which are no more supported. Current version of ATI Player solves problems due to which these programs were created. I do not recomment downloading them:
File name
Windows Download Velikost
palsecam 3.1, 95, 98 FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 87 KB 2.0 P°epφnß normu PAL/SECAM, proto₧e ATI Player to odmφtß provΘst. Pot°ebuje knihovnu I2Cpatch.

Switches PAL/SECAM because ATI Player refuses to do this. Needs I2Cpatch library. This new version can force ATI Player to use SECAM automaticaly on startup.


i2cpatch 3.1, 95, 98 FTP, Tento poΦφtaΦ 207 KB 2.0 Knihovna, kterou pou₧φvajφ n∞kterΘ programy k tomu, aby mohly ihned reagovat, kdy₧ ATI Player zm∞nφ nastavenφ n∞jakΘho obvodu p°ipojenΘho k I2C. Detailnφ popis je v p°ibalenΘm souboru README.TXT.

Some of my programs need this library for correct work. It allows them to respond immediately when ATI Player changes setting of any I2C device. Detailed description is in included file README.TXT.

Nemßm k dispozici ₧ßdnou dokumentaci k soubor∙m tvo°φcφm ATI Player (ati_i2c.dll, tuner.dll, ...) a TV-Online, a proto pochopiteln∞ nemohu ruΦit za sprßvnou funkci v²Üe uveden²ch program∙, obzvlßÜ¥ v p°φpad∞, ₧e vznikne novß verze ATI Playeru. P°esto se vÜak budu sna₧it, aby k ₧ßdn²m problΘm∙m nedochßzelo.
