Vytvoreno v programu Microsoft Notepad

One nice day I had bought an ATI-TV tuner and found out that bundled software is not quite perfect. Alas, the latest drivers ATI offers at http://support.atitech.ca/ still contains some bugs and unpleasant features, so I decided it will be faster if I change the software myself.

Most of this pages are in Czech language, because only some east-european users are affected with a bugs contained in ATI Player. I will not update this english page too often, so after releasing new version of my patch not all features will be described here immediately.

If you are not interested in this page you can still look at some pictures grabbed with ATI-TV :-)

Important: Don't wast your (any my ;-)) time asking me, whether I know how to use ATI-TV or All-in-Wonder for decoding/descrambling of TV channels. It is probably impossible.

New: You can find technical information about AMC and I2C circuits at http://www.atitech.com/resource_centre/dev_rel/tuneramc.html

"Connected to audio device only" message

Non-tunable channels

Sound mixer TDA8425

Teletext "noise"

Czech teletext
