Instead of shipping Triage Client with your application, you can set up a web page from which users can download and automatically run Triage Client.
Triage Wizard can generate a download package for Triage Client. A download package is a collection of files that can be copied from a Web server to a user's machine.
A Triage Client download package consists of a single compressed file (a .CAB file, also know as a "cabinet") that contains all the files that need to be downloaded to audit a user's machine.
The cabinet file includes a special configuration file named CAB.INF. Through this configuration file, you specify the command-line arguments for Triage Client.
When a user downloads the CAB file, the system extracts the CAB contents into a temporary directory and runs Triage Client. After Triage Client finishes the audit, it sends the generated audit report back to you.
Triage Wizard also generates the HTML code for a web page that automatically downloads the Triage Client package.