Editing the Web Page Template

The CAB.HTM file is a template for the Web page that Triage Wizard puts in the CAB file. You can find CAB.HTM in the Triage installation directory.

The generated file is named profile_name.HTM. You can modify any part of the generated .HTM file except for the <OBJECT> tag:

	<object id="TriageXCab"
	codebase="YourFile.cab#Version=1,1,0,0" align="baseline"
	border="0" width="0" height="0"><param name="_Version"
	value="65536"><param name="_ExtentX" value="2646"><param
	name="_ExtentY" value="1323"><param name="_StockProps"
	value="0"><param name="NeedlePosition" value="2"></object>: 

The <OBJECT> tag downloads the CAB file into a temporary directory, extracts all the files from the CAB file, and then runs the instructions specified in the CAB.INF file.

Note that this HTML code assumes that the CAB file is located in the same directory as the HTML file.