New! Learn About Eagle Y-620 named Terry released by Jesse Ventura 1999 |
WELCOME TO THE RAPTOR CENTERThe Raptor Center is an international medical facility for birds of prey. Our mission is to preserve biological diversity among raptors and other avian species through medical treatment, scientific investigation, education, and management of wild populations.
About Our World Wide Web ServerVia our web site, we strive to offer a wide range of material about The Raptor Center and the birds we treat, including information about endangered/threatened birds and the environmental issues which effect them. We also hope to offer information of interest to the widest possible audience, ranging from k-12 school children to veterinary medical professionals. The Raptor Center became a member of the World Wide Web community on October 28th 1994. Like many Web sites, ours is often under construction and subject to dramatic changes, please be patient. If you create links or bookmarks to our site, please consider using ONLY the default URL: We recommend this because other directories and files may change names or be removed as our web site grows and evolves. Thank you for visiting The Raptor Center WWW! We appreciate feedback, and eagerly await any comments, questions or suggestions.
Any comments about this site send to MaryBeth Garrigan
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RETURN to The Raptor Center's Main Menu THE RAPTOR CENTER / Email: raptor@umn.eduPhone: (612) 624-4745 Fax: (612) 624-8740 Our world wide web address or URL is: Please become a member and/or make a donation. These birds are a vital part of our environment. You can make a difference and keep them flying free! |