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June 30, 1998

In under the wire... Two new articles: The first is from Kevin Gallagher on Extending the StatusBar component. Pretty neat stuff. Also today, a great article by Grahame Marsh on helper components for dragging and dropping files to and from your Delphi apps. You can read all about it in Drop File Helper Components. This is one of the more requested capabilities I get from readers, so I am glad Grahame put this together!

Also, I am integrating the Articles page into the Tips & Tricks page. Sometimes it is hard to determine what is an "article" and what is a "tip or trick". Better to put them in one spot I suppose...

June 26, 1998

Added the new Delphi Job Sites link on the UNDU home page. Thanks to everyone for their excellent input on this. Remember, everything that someone submits to me that I use on the site is entered in the random prize drawing at the end of each month. So everyone who submitted a Delphi Jobs site will be in this months drawing! If anyone knows of others that aren't listed, please let me know!

There also was some confusion about how to email me, so I have added an email link button as well.

June 16, 1998

Atanas Stoyanov - has announced the release of a free Memory and Resource leaks debugger called MemProof. You can learn more about this product at his web site:

I have received a significant number of emails lately regarding Delphi Job positions. Currently, I am aware of only one Delphi-only Job Site ( If you know of any others, please let me know and I will group them together here for everyone to see.

Also today, Eamonn Mulvihill (I spelled it right this time...) presents an interesting extension to a previous article about highlighting edit boxes that have the focus. His alternate method is called Highlighting Edit Boxes.

And lastly, Matt Hamilton shows a simple technique for archiving data in Tables or Query's out to a Comma-Separated text file. His article is entitled Archiving Data in TTables and TQueries.

June 15, 1998
Don't worry... things will be smoothing out here shortly... I am in the last 2-3 weeks of building our new house (in the lot adjacent to the one we are living in), so it is quite a distraction for me lately. I am planning on getting back to my 2-3 updates a week schedule pretty darn soon...

You have all probably been checking in loyally to see who the randomly selected winner is this month. Well, the winner is... (drum roll...) Alexander Mehlhorn for his article on Dynamically Loading Packages at Runtime. Alexanders prize is a copy of Hidden Paths of Delphi 3, an excellent book by Ray Lischner illustrating the techniques needed to develop experts, wizards, and more using the Open Tools API in Delphi. Remember folks, each month, I randomly select one contributor for that month to receive a prize. During the month of May, there were 6 contributors, so it was just a 1 in 6 chance. Also, most months I will award more than one prize... just depends what I have on hand! Doesn't matter what you contribute. If I use it, you are in the drawing!

Now on to the new stuff...

Jaffar Sulemani brings us an interesting debugging component that allows you to browse through any Table or Query in your application at runtime. Often times we may be inclined to throw a grid on a form just so we can see what is happening while the code is running. Jaffar's solution puts an end to that... Check it out in Sneaking a Peek at Data-Access Components.

Grahame Marsh put together an extension of Jorge Turiel's article on multi-line hints. Grahame presents... The MultiLine Hint Property Editor!


In order to keep the size of the News Page to a minimum, I will be archiving previous months and listing them at the bottom.
News Page for May, 1998
News Page for April, 1998
News Page for March, 1998
News Page for February, 1998