Articles, Tips & Tricks

Below is a comprehensive list of links to all the Articles, Reviews, and Tips & Tricks published in The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users. Because of the number of articles and tips & tricks in past issues, this will be a work in progress, so please keep checking back for updated links.

 06/30/98 - Drop File Helper Components
 06/30/98 - Extending the StatusBar Component
 06/16/98 - Highlighting Edit Boxes
 06/16/98 - Archiving Data in TTables and TQueries
 06/15/98 - Sneaking a Peek at Data-Access Components
 06/15/98 - Multi-Line Hint Property Editor
 05/25/98 - Multi-Line Hints
 05/25/98 - A Universal TDateTime Class
 05/25/98 - Here Thar Be Dragons!
 05/25/98 - Getting to the Bottom of FAT32
 05/11/98 - Dynamically Loading Packages
 04/22/98 - Controlling Application Startup in Delphi 3
 04/22/98 - Inside the Delphi 3 Package
 04/22/98 - Digital Sound in Delphi Part II
 04/17/98 - Multiple Lines of Text in a String Grid - Improved!
 04/17/98 - Auto Upgrading!
 04/17/98 - Piggybacking Event Handlers with Components
 04/15/98 - Using TDataSource to Improve Your User-Interface
 04/15/98 - Hooking Into the VCL
 03/26/98 - Using TMediaPlayer to Manage Multiple CDRoms
 03/26/98 - Beziers and Paths
 03/26/98 - Windows Hooks
 03/25/98 - WinHelp Office Review
 03/18/98 - Creating Shortcuts in Delphi
 03/18/98 - Can't Have Too Much WinInfo!
 03/18/98 - Drawing on a TEdit Control
 03/18/98 - Borland's Tech Sheets
 03/17/98 - Extending the Moving/Resizing Technique
 03/17/98 - Using the Clipboard with WAV Files
 03/11/98 - Determining CPU Type
 03/11/98 - Compressing 256 Color BMPs
 03/06/98 - Moving and Sizing Controls at Runtime
 02/28/98 - Digital Sound & Music in Delphi
 02/26/98 - Accessing the Win95 FindFiles Dialog
 02/23/98 - Improving Cut, Copy & Paste
 02/23/98 - Giving Your EditBoxes Some Attention
 02/21/98 - Delphi 3's Code Parameters
 02/21/98 - CD Change Notifications
 Issue #24 - Speeding Up Master-Detail Tables
 Issue #24 - Beginners Block: An Introduction to Pointers
 Issue #24 - NIL Pointers: How Delphi Frees Objects
 Issue #24 - RGB & HSL Colour Models
 Issue #24 - More on Moving From VB to Delphi
 Issue #24 - A Second Look at MicroEdge's Visual SlickEdit
 Issue #24 - Delphi and the Year 2000
 Issue #23 - Playing and Recording Sounds in Delphi
 Issue #23 - An Immediate IF Function
 Issue #23 - Two Lines of Text in a String Grid
 Issue #23 - A Simple Drawing Program
 Issue #23 - Finding the Cursor Coordinates in a Memo Control
 Issue #23 - A Browse Directory Component
 Issue #23 - Changing Event Handlers at Runtime
 Issue #23 - Book Review: Hidden Paths of Delphi 3
 Issue #23 - Book Review: Building Delphi 2 Database Applications
 Issue #23 - Review: Raize Components
 Issue #23 - Making the Move: VB to Delphi
 Issue #23 - Add a Web Search Engine to Your Application
 Issue #22 - Bitmaps in String Grids
 Issue #22 - A Cure for Previous Instance Problems
 Issue #22 - A Word Search Tip
 Issue #22 - Unbridled Acceleration
 Issue #22 - Showing the Caret Position
 Issue #22 - Using the Win95 Registry
 Issue #22 - Wallpapering MDI Forms
 Issue #22 - The InputQueryEx Function
 Issue #22 - Exceeding the Data Segment
 Issue #22 - Delphi 2.0 and 3.0 on the Same Computer
 Issue #22 - Review: Programmers Guild Animated Tray Icon
 Issue #22 - Review: MicroEdge's Visual SlickEdit
 Issue #22 - Review: IniOut Component
 Issue #22 - Review: Addict 2.2 Spell Checker for Delphi
 Issue #22 - Getting Control of the Control Panel
 Issue #21 - Low-Level Windows Stuff
 Issue #21 - Listing Procedures
 Issue #21- Hiding Apps from the TaskBar
 Issue #21 - Excel OLE Tips
 Issue #21 - Playing Sounds Asynchronously
 Issue #21 - Bitmaps on StringGrids
 Issue #21 - How to Find Up-To-Date Delphi Books
 Issue #21 - Using the Margin Marker in Delphi 1 & 2
 Issue #21 - Lock Violations Revisited
 Issue #21 - Object Creation Tip
 Issue #21 - How To Compress a Bitmap
 Issue #21 - The TEndSession Component
 Issue #21 - Video Capture and Delphi
 Issue #21 - Review: Delphi Component Design
 Issue #20 - Is Someone Else Running? Revisited!
 Issue #20 - InputQueryEx Function
 Issue #20 - Multi-Colored Text in a String Grid
 Issue #20 - Converting Pascal Source to HTML
 Issue #20 - Processing Large Database Tables
 Issue #20 - Making Your App Look Normal at Different Resolutions
 Issue #20 - How to Make Your EXE's Lighter!
 Issue #20 - Win95 Shell Operations - Update
 Issue #20 - Form Aspect Ratio
 Issue #20 - Previous Instances - Revisited
 Issue #20 - Printing Raw Data
 Issue #20 - Implementing a "Tip Of The Day" Component
 Issue #20 - TFieldPanel
 Issue #20 - TPageControl - Update
 Issue #20 - Learning How To Drive: Disk Information in Delphi
 Issue #20 - Delphi Books and Periodicals
 Issue #19 - Using Win95's SHFileOperation to Move/Copy/Delete Files
 Issue #19 - How to Create a Polygon Splash Screen
 Issue #19 - Is Someone Else Running?
 Issue #19 - Lock Violation Errors in Paradox
 Issue #19 - Printing Directly to the Printer
 Issue #19 - Refreshing MDI Menus
 Issue #19 - Extending the Background Bitmap Technique
 Issue #19 - Paradox File Size Limits
 Issue #19 - Safer Use of Enumerated Types
 Issue #19 - Simplifying Code Management with Include
 Issue #19 - A Look at the TreeView Component
 Issue #19 - Aligning Text in a Grid
 Issue #19 - TPageControl
 Issue #19 - Big Bitmaps
 Issue #19 - Transparency Masks
 Issue #19 - Review: SpeedDaemon Code Profiler
 Issue #19 - A Look at MagiKit
 Issue #19 - Humor: Are you Computer Illiterate?
 Issue #18 - Storing Fonts in INI files
 Issue #18 - Sorting Columns in a DBGrid
 Issue #18 - Adding UNDU to an Edit Menu
 Issue #18 - Put Anything in Your Delphi EXE!
 Issue #18 - A Simple Clipboard Viewer
 Issue #18 - Object Express by OopSoft
 Issue #18 - Announcement: IniOut Component
 Issue #18 - Book Review: Delphi Component Design by Dany Thorpe

More links to come! To see the material in Issues 1 through 17, click here.