Procedure DeriveArcBBox(CenterX,CenterY,Rad:REAL; VAR X1,Y1,X2,Y2:REAL); BEGIN X1:=CenterX-Rad; Y1:=CenterY+Rad; X2:=CenterX+Rad; Y2:=CenterY-Rad; END;
What it does
Returns the bounding box coordinates of an arc or circle when given it's
center and radius. The coordinates can then be used elsewhere in the macro.
Procedure DeriveOvalBBox(CenX,CenY,HorAx,VerAx:REAL; VAR X1,Y1,X2,Y2:REAL); BEGIN X1:=CenX-HorAx; Y1:=CenY+VerAx; X2:=CenX+HorAx; Y2:=CenY-VerAx; END;
What it does
Returns the bounding box coordinatess of an oval given the oval center and
dimensions of the horizontal and vertical axes of the oval.
Procedure CircleByCtrRad(CenX,CenY,Rad:REAL); VAR X1,Y1,X2,Y2:REAL; BEGIN X1:=CenX-Rad; Y1:=CenY+Rad; X2:=CenX+Rad; Y2:=CenY-Rad; Oval(X1,Y1,X2,Y2); END;
What it does
Creates a circle when given center and radius information.
Procedure ArcByCtrRad(CenX,CenY,Rad,StartAngle,SweepAngle:REAL); VAR X1,Y1,X2,Y2:REAL; BEGIN X1:=CenX-Rad; Y1:=CenY+Rad; X2:=CenX+Rad; Y2:=CenY-Rad; Arc(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,StartAngle,SweepAngle); END;
What it does
Creates an arc when given a center and radius.
Procedure ArcPoints(ArcHd:HANDLE;VAR StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY:REAL); VAR StartAngle,ArcAngle,SweepAngle,R,CenX,CenY:REAL; BEGIN GetArc(ArcHd,StartAngle,ArcAngle); R:=(HPerim(ArcHd)/(Deg2Rad(ArcAngle)))*12; HCenter(ArcHd,CenX,CenY); StartX:=CenX+(R*(cos(Deg2Rad(StartAngle)))); StartY:=CenY+(R*(sin(Deg2Rad(StartAngle)))); SweepAngle:=ArcAngle+StartAngle; EndX:=CenX+(R*(cos(Deg2Rad(SweepAngle)))); EndY:=CenY+(R*(sin(Deg2Rad(SweepAngle)))); END;
What it does
Calculates and returns coordinates of the start point and end point
of an arc. You must supply handle to an arc object.
Function ArcRadius(ArcHd:HANDLE):REAL; VAR AAng,Rad:REAL; BEGIN AAng:=HAngle(ArcHd); Rad:=(HPerim(ArcHd)*12/Deg2Rad(AAng)); ArcRadius:=Rad; END;
What it does
Returns the radius of an arc. You must supply handle to an arc object.
Procedure ObjectInfo(ObjectHd:HANDLE;VAR LayerN,ClassN,NameN:STRING;VAR Type,FillPatNum,LStyleNum,LWt :INTEGER); VAR LayerHd:HANDLE; BEGIN LayerHd:=GetLayer(ObjectHd); LayerN:=GetLName(LayerHd); ClassN:=GetClass(ObjectHd); NameN:=GetName(ObjectHd); Type:=GetType(ObjectHd); FillPatNum:=GetFPat(ObjectHd); LStyleNum:=GetLS(ObjectHd); LWt:=GetLW(ObjectHd); END;
What it does
Returns attribute data on the object passed to it by handle. Returns layer,
class, name, fill pattern, linestyle, and lineweight data.
Procedure ObjectGeom2D(ObjectHd: HANDLE;VAR BBoxX1,BBoxY1,BBoxX2,BBoxY2,Ht,Width,Area,Perim:REAL); BEGIN GetBBox(ObjectHd,BBoxX1,BBoxY1,BBoxX2,BBoxY2); Ht:=HHeight(ObjectHd); Width:=HWidth(ObjectHd); Area:=HArea(ObjectHd); Perim:=HPerim(ObjectHd); END;
What it does
Returns geometric data on the 2D object passed to it by handle. Returns bounding box,
height, width, area, and perimeter data.
Procedure ObjectGeom3D(ObjectHd: HANDLE;VAR Ht,Width,Depth,CenX,CenY,CenZ:REAL); BEGIN Get3DInfo(ObjectHd,Ht,Width,Depth); Get3DCnter(ObjectHd,CenX,CenY,CenZ); END;
What it does
Returns geometric data on the 3D object passed to it by handle. Returns height, width,
depth, and 3D center data.
Procedure TextInfo(ObjectHd:HANDLE;VAR ContentStr:STRING;FontID,Size,StyleSum:INTEGER); BEGIN ContentStr:=GetText(ObjectHd); FontID:=GetFont(ObjectHd); Size:=GetSize(ObjectHd); StyleSum:=GetStyle(ObjectHd); END;
What it does
Returns attribute data on the text object passed to it by handle. Returns text string,
font ID number, size, and style information.
Procedure StyleReader(StyleIndex:INTEGER;VAR IsPlain,IsBold,IsItal,IsUnd,IsOutL,IsShad:BOOLEAN); VAR StyleArray:ARRAY [1..6] OF BOOLEAN; i,FlagCompare:INTEGER; BEGIN i:=1; FlagCompare:=16; StyleArray[1]:=FALSE; StyleArray[2]:=FALSE; StyleArray[3]:=FALSE; StyleArray[4]:=FALSE; StyleArray[5]:=FALSE; IsPlain:=FALSE; WHILE StyleIndex > 0 DO BEGIN IF StyleIndex >= FlagCompare THEN BEGIN StyleIndex:=StyleIndex-FlagCompare; StyleArray[i]:=TRUE; END; i:=i+1; FlagCompare:=FlagCompare DIV 2; IF (FlagCompare = 0) THEN FlagCompare:=1; END; IsShad:=StyleArray[1]; IsOutL:=StyleArray[2]; IsUnd:=StyleArray[3]; IsItal:=StyleArray[4]; IsBold:=StyleArray[5]; IF NOT (IsShad)&(NOT IsOutL)&(NOT IsUnd)&(NOT IsItal)&(NOT IsBold) THEN IsPlain:=TRUE; END;
What it does
Returns text style as BOOLEAN values. Makes it easier to determine style returned by
TextInfo() above, or by MiniPascal's GetStyle procedure.
Function TraverseWall(WallHd:HANDLE;SymbolName:STRING;SelectStat:BOOLEAN):HANDLE; VAR Hd:HANDLE; Type:INTEGER; Nm:STRING; Sel,Hit:BOOLEAN; BEGIN Hd:=FIn3D(WallHd); WHILE (Hd<>NIL) AND (NOT Hit) DO BEGIN Type:=GetType(Hd); IF Type=15 THEN BEGIN SelectStat:=Selected(Hd); Nm:=GetSymName(Hd); IF ((Nm=SymbolName)AND(SelectStat=Sel)) THEN Hit:=TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN Hd:=NextObj(Hd); END; END; TraverseWall:=Hd; END;
What it does
Enters a wall object and searches for the specified symbol; when found, it returns the handle
to the symbol. You have the option of specifying whether the symbol is selected; if not, the first
symbol which matches the specification will be returned.
Subroutine Notes
(1) You will need to check for NIL being returned(indicates no symbol was found).
Function TraverseWallName(WallHd:HANDLE):STRING; VAR Hd:HANDLE; Type:INTEGER; Nm:STRING; Sel,Hit:BOOLEAN; BEGIN Hit:=FALSE; Hd:=FIn3D(WallHd); WHILE (Hd<>NIL) AND (NOT Hit) DO BEGIN Type:=GetType(Hd); IF Type=15 THEN BEGIN IF (Selected(Hd)) THEN Hit:=TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN Hd:=NextObj(Hd); END; END; TraverseWallName:=GetSymName(Hd); END;
What it does
Enters a wall object and searches for the selected symbol; when found, it returns the name
of the symbol.
Procedure MakeModelLink(LayerName,LinkName:STRING); BEGIN IF LinkName='NIL' THEN BEGIN LinkName:=Concat(LayerName,' Link'); END; LayerRef(LayerName); ResetOrientation3D; UnLckObjs; SetName(LNewObj,LinkName); LckObjs; END;
What it does
Creates a named layer reference(layer link) on the active layer of the document. Lock status
of the link is preserved. If LinkName is specified as 'NIL' string, the ref name will be
constructed from the source layer's name. For example, MakeModelLink('Layer-1','NIL'); will
create a layer link named 'Layer-1 Link'.
Procedure SwapLink(LinkName:STRING;NewLayer:STRING); VAR oldLinkHd,newLinkHd,LHd:HANDLE; name:STRING; Found:BOOLEAN; BEGIN oldLinkHd:=GetObject(LinkName); Found:=False; LHd:=FLayer; newLinkHd:=NIL; WHILE (LHd<> NIL) & (NOT Found) DO BEGIN name:=GetLName(LHd); IF name=NewLayer THEN BEGIN Found:=True; newLinkHd:=LHd; END; LHd:=NextLayer(LHd); END; IF newLinkHd <> NIL THEN BEGIN SetHDef(oldLinkHd,newLinkHd); ResetOrientation3D; Redraw; END ELSE BEGIN AlrtDialog('Warning: new link was not found'); END; END;
What it does
Updates the layer reference model specified by LinkName with a reference to the layer
specified. elevation of the model link is unaffected.
Subroutine Notes
(1) You can use this routine to create 'before and after' models by swapping layer links.
(2) This subroutine works with MiniCAD 6.0 or greater.
Procedure MoveSymInWall(h:HANDLE;dist:REAL); VAR sh:HANDLE; x1,y1,x2,y2,d:REAL; symName:STRING; Function TraverseWallSel(WallHd:HANDLE):HANDLE; VAR Hd:HANDLE; Type:INTEGER; Sel,Hit:BOOLEAN; BEGIN Hit:=FALSE; Hd:=FIn3D(WallHd); WHILE (Hd<>NIL) AND (NOT Hit) DO BEGIN Type:=GetType(Hd); IF Type=15 THEN BEGIN IF (Selected(Hd)) THEN Hit:=TRUE ELSE Hd:=NextObj(Hd); END ELSE BEGIN Hd:=NextObj(Hd); END; END; TraverseWallSel:=Hd; END; BEGIN IF(GetType(h) = 68) THEN BEGIN GetSegPt1(h,x1,y1); sh:=TraverseWallSel(h); IF sh <> NIL THEN BEGIN GetSymLoc(sh,x2,y2); symName:=GetSymName(sh); d:=Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2); d:=d+dist; IF DeleteWallSym(sh) THEN AddSymToWall(h,d,0,FALSE,FALSE,symName); END; END; END;
What it does
Moves the selected symbol in a wall the distance specified by you.
Procedure SetCustomLightColor(hd:HANDLE;rpercent,gpercent,bpercent:INTEGER); VAR red,grn,blu:LONGINT; FUNCTION PercentToRGB(percentage:INTEGER):LONGINT; CONST MAX_RGB = 65535; VAR calcRGB:LONGINT; BEGIN calcRGB:= Trunc((MAX_RGB * (percentage/100))); Percent2RGB := calcRGB; END; BEGIN red:=PercentToRGB(rpercent); grn:=PercentToRGB(gpercent); blu:=PercentToRGB(gpercent); SetPenFore(hd,red,grn,blu); END;
What it does
Sets a custom color for the specified light.