Procedure FileInfo(VAR theFile,activeLayer,activeSym:STRING;VAR numLayers,numClasses,numSD,numRec:INTEGER); BEGIN theFile:=GetFName; activeLayer:=GetLName(ActLayer); activeSymDf:=GetName(ActSymDef); numLayrs:=NumLayers; numClasses:=ClassNum; numSD:=SymDefNum; numRec:=NumRecords(NIL); END;
What it does
Allows you to retrieve information about the open document: file name, active layer, active symbol,
number of layers, number of classes, number of symbol defs, and number of records.
Procedure FileFillInfo(VAR fFillPat:INTEGER;VAR FFFore,FFBack:LONGINT); VAR r,g,b:LONGINT; BEGIN fFillPat:=FFillPat; FFillFore(r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,FFFore); FFillBack(r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,FFBack); END;
What it does
Allows you to retrieve fill settings information about the open document: active fill pattern,
active fill foreground and background colors.
Procedure FilePenInfo(VAR fPenStyle,fPenSize:INTEGER;VAR FPFore,FPBack:LONGINT); VAR r,g,b:LONGINT; BEGIN fPenStyle:=FPenPat; fPenSize:=FPenSize; FPenFore(r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,FPFore); FPenBack(r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,FPBack); END;
What it does
Allows you to retrieve pen settings information about the open document: active pen style,
pen width,active pen foreground and background colors.
Procedure LayerInfo(LayerHd:HANDLE;VAR LayerName:STRING;VAR LayerScale:REAL;VAR LayerVis,TotalObjs,SelectObjs:INTEGER); BEGIN LayerName:=GetLName(LayerHd); LayerScale:=GetLScale(Hd); LayerVis:=GetLVis(Hd); TotalObjs:=GetNumObjs(Hd); SelectObjs:=NumSObjs(Hd); END;
What it does
Allows you to retrieve information about a layer: layer name, scale, visibility,
total objects, total selected. You supply the handle to the layer.
Procedure CreateNewLayer(LayerName:STRING;LayerScale,LayerVis:INTEGER;BaseZ,Thk:REAL; LayerFF,LayerFB,LayerPF,LayerPB:LONGINT); VAR LHd:HANDLE; DupLayerAbort : BOOLEAN; BEGIN DupLayerAbort:=FALSE; LHd:=FLayer; WHILE (LHd<>NIL)&(NOT DupLayerAbort) DO BEGIN IF GetLName(LHd)=LayerName THEN DupLayerAbort:=TRUE ELSE LHd:=NextLayer(LHd); END; IF NOT DupLayerAbort THEN BEGIN Layer(LayerName); SetScale(LayerScale); SetZVals(BaseZ,Thk); LFillFore(LayerFF); LFillBack(LayerFB); LPenFore(LayerPF); LPenBack(LayerPB); IF LayerVis=0 THEN ShowLayer ELSE IF LayerVis=1 THEN GrayLayer ELSE IF LayerVis =2 THEN HideLayer; END; END;
What it does
Allows you to create a complete setup for a single layer, including visibility, z values,
and default layer colors. The function, when called, automatically checks the layer list for
a duplicate name to prevent inadvertantly modifying any existing layers.