Page Dividers

To use one of the images below, first click the left mouse button on the desired image. This will place the text cursor in the cell containing the button. Once the text cursor appears, click a second time to select the image. When the image is selected you will se a red border surrounding it. Once the image is selected, choose the "Copy" command from the "Edit" menu.

Switch to the page into which you wish to place the image and click the left mouse button at the desired location. Then select the "Paste Object" command from the "Edit" menu. If this is the first time you have used this image, you will be asked if you wish to copy the image to your web site.

cos_rule.gif - Cosmic Blue Set

wood_rul.gif - Wood Carved Set

bak1br.gif - Pin Striped Gray Set

bak2br.gif - Pin Striped Pastel Set

bak3br.gif - Pin Striped Classic Set

bak4br.gif - Pin Striped Magenta Set




rule3.gif - Blue Panel Set

rule4.gif - White Panel Set

rule5.gif - Cyan Panel Set





rule10.gif - Black Panel Set