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Setting your profile information

A user's profile is, for StickyNote 6, his name and any comments he wishes to associate with it. This profile is attached to each note sent over the network, and is broadcast to other computers when they try to retrieve information about StickyNote on your computer. For more information about this retrieval service, please see "Getting information about another computer."

You must set your profile so that people can identify notes from you, and can retrieve your information through the ping method. To set your profile, go to the Options dailog, accessible from the main menu. Here, click on the "Profile" pane. Here will appear the appropriate edit boxes in which you can type your name and comments.

You can use the comments section, for example, as a message board so that your friends know your status. You could type, "Out for lunch until 2:30;" people could ping your machine and realize at what time you will become available. In general, the comments section's content is undefined- you can put whatever you wish.

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