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Version 4.10
 | Many people have asked that MTUSpeed should also support Network
Cards as well as modems (I hadn't realised that so many people use Network cards to
connect to the net). MTUSpeed now looks specifically for Network cards as well as
modems in both Win95 and WinNT.
Version 4.04 to Version 4.09
 | These versions were never released and were beta test only.
Version 4.03
 | The bug introduced in 4.01, which I thought I had fixed in 4.02,
hadn't been fixed. I had managed to increment the search counter by 2 instead of one on
each cycle so, people who had TCP in even numbered keys were OK but if TCP was registered
in an odd numbered key (i.e., NetTrans\0001) would get the "Cannot find TCP"
error message. Apologies to all affected.
Version 4.02
 | Some people were having problems loading the help files (using Netscape
4.04) I've changed something slightly to see if it will help.
 | Fixed a bug introduced in 4.01 when I added the Version 3.08 algorithm. |
Version 4.01
 | Several people had trouble using the new Win95 TCP detection algorithm in
MTUSpeed Version 4.00 (having succesfully used Version 3.08). I have therefore included
both the new algorithm and the old one in Version 4.01. MTUSpeed runs the new algorithm
first and, if it doesn't detect TCP, runs the old algorithm automatically without user
intervention. |
Version 4.0
 | The program now works with NT Version 4. I have been careful to only use
registry strings that are applicable to NT 3.5 and greater but I have been unable to test
it on anything other than NT4.
 | I have called the program MTUSpeed Pro as opposed to MTUSpeed. This is to
differentiate between the Win95 only and Win95/WinNT versions of MTUSpeed.
 | The Win95 TCP detection algorithm has been completely re-written. This
will hopefuilly give support for more TCP/IP stacks.
 | There is now help available. Right click and select HTML Help. You'll
need a Frames and javascript capable browser (Sorry!)
 | I have added Modem options (originally from my
SpeedInit program).
 | I added the tabbed page called "Utilities". This now comtains a
"ping" algorithm as detailed on Malcolm Reeves' web site
 | I changed the functionality of "Apply MTU to all keys"
checkbox. It now stays enabled when selected and having selected it, you have to select
Change MTU as the popup box doesn't automatically appear. It works as a modifier, not an
 | I added the "About" tab which has links
to email and the website FAQ. |
