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If you have problems with MTUSpeed
Please read the FAQ (there is a
link to the FAQ on the "About" page of MTUSpeed).
If you cannot find the answer, or you think MTUSpeed has caused problems, then
please email with as
much info as possible. Here are some of the info you should include:
- Operating System - Win95, 98 or NT Version?
- What language version of your operating system are you using?
- Are you using the built in TCP drivers (i.e., the one provided by Microsoft) or
are you using AOL, Trumpet Winsock or some other similar TCP stack?
- What version of MTUSpeed are you using? - You can get this from the readme file,
from the title bar of the program, from the About page or you can work it out from the
name of the installation file (i.e., mtuspeed402.exe is the installation file for MTUSpeed
- Have you installed anything before/after MTUSpeed that you think may possibly be
a factor?
I find it very tiring removing anti-spam measures from peoples emails just so
that I can respond to them. Please provide a valid
email address for me to reply to.