This method provides the ability to add Real-Time
Dynamic Database Graphing to your web pages. This
method is extremely powerful and allows the construction
of graphs from virtually any database / database system
running on virtually any platform.
Method Outline
Here the graph applet is incorporated into a server
side dynamic page script (eg. PHP, ASP, JSP or Servlet).
Within the script the the data values of the Applets
PARAM tags are filled in by the Web Server at page
view time.
At page view time the script will read data from
the database and construct the Applet PARAM tags -
hence producing a Real-Time Dynamic Graph with data
direct from a database within the web page.
Note: This method may be only be applied
to the Applet form of the graphing software.
To implement this method simply perform the following
2 steps,
- Construct
the Dynamic Script
Upload the Script and jar file to your web server
1 - Construct the Dynamic Script
The dynamic script can be constructed in any language
of your choice. Most Web Servers these days come set
up with a dynamic scripting language which is configured
to access your database system. For convenience we
recommend using the language already configured on
your web server.
you haven't used or are unsure about what's already
available on your web server then you should in
the first instance speak to your Web Server Administrator
or ISP Hosting company ).
The following are the most common Scripting languages
and cover over 90% of web servers in use today,
In the "./TemplateScripts" directory
you will find template scripts which are designed
to provide a base from which to tailor a script for
your implementation. You are free to copy, modify
and utilize these scripts in any manor you wish.
Simply pick, from the links below, the template script
for your environment, modify where indicated and upload
to your web server.
template script - ./TemplateScripts/PHP/PieAppletDB.php
template script - ./TemplateScripts/ASP/PieAppletDB.asp
template script - ./TemplateScripts/JSP/PieAppletDB.jsp
Servlet - ./TemplateScripts/Servlet/
When modifying the applet configuration parameters
within these scripts please also refer to the following
section in the Documentation,
- Pie Chart Configuration Options
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2- Upload the Script and jar file to your web server.
The final step is to simply to upload the script to
your web server and place the Piechart.jar
file in the same directory as your script. At only
14kb this jar file contains all the applet code for
producing the graph in your page and as such is very
fast to load and run.
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you experience any difficulties implementing then
please do not hesitate to contact us at,