( for a
printable version of this page click here )
Method Outline
The configuration parameters and chart data are
supplied via two text files (piedata.txt and pieprops.txt).
This is the applet version of the pie chart which
may not be printable on some browsers.
The link at the bottom of the chart directs the
user to an identical page where the pie image
is produced by the Pie Servlet. This page will
be printable on all browsers.
Settings Summary
- Data acquired from the file piedata.txt
- Properties acquired from the file pieprops.txt
- 3D Graphing Mode set
- 3D angle set to 40 degrees
- 3 Pies defined to display sales for 2 products
plus a combined pie.
- Segment Labels turned off and the legend turned
- Segment seperation utilised for the 2nd pie
How the Chart was created.
The above chart was inserted into the page with
the HTML Code contained in the file,
(click to view).
The chart properties are read from the file,
pieprops.txt (click to
The chart data is read from the file,
piedata.txt (click to view)
Further Information
For a full explanation of each parameter see the
Options" section of the Documentation.