Some useful keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are one, two or three-keystroke combinations you can press to perform a command, access a dialog box or modify how the measurement tools work.
The following shortcuts are available only when at least one image is opened.



Turn on temporarily the Hand Grabbing Tool.


Delete a control point

CTRL and click the point..

Draw orthogonal lines or perfect circles or squares. When moving control points, keep them in line with the previous point. SHIFT
Move the first point without actually closing the path, press the Alt
key while clicking it.
ALT while clicking and dragging the point.
Show / Hide the Magnifying Lens CTRL-M
Set Zoom F2
Zoom Out F3
Zoom In F4
Move the cursor 1 pixel Any of the arrow keys
Move the cursor 10 pixels SHIFT + Any of the arrow keys

Move a selected control point

Use the arrow keys (and optionally SHIFT) while keeping pressed the mouse button on the selected control point.

Show / Hide the Measurements window