How to send a suspicious file to Kaspersky Labs

In order to send a possibly infected file to Kaspersky Labs for analysis:

select the file you wish to send in the Quarantine window and press the Send button.

The program will automatically create and open a new message using the default mail client program installed in your computer, for example, Microsoft Outlook Express, with the possibly infected file attached. Send this message. Kaspersky Labs experts will carefully analyze the file you have sent and try to recover all data contained in this file. In any case, you will receive a detailed answer with the results of the analysis.
In order to send files you suspect of being infected to Kaspersky Labs for expert analysis:

click Send file for analysis in the left section of the Support tab. Select the files you wish to send using the standard Windows file selection dialog box.

The subsequent steps required to send a mail message to Kaspersky Labs, are identical to the procedure of sending possibly infected objects from the Quarantine window.

Kaspersky Labs Ltd.

