When working with the ConceptDraw Basic editor, the main menu will look as follows:
File menu
Edit menu
Build menu
Window menu
Help menu
The File menu contains commands for working with files - opening, closing and saving files.
Open Script
Open a ConceptDraw Basic script file.
Close the script.
Save Document
Save the document, which script is being edited.
Save Script
Save the script to a file.
Save Script As
Save the script under a new name.
Print Preview
Preview the results before printing.
Print the script.
Print Setup
Print settings.
Open Source
Open the included source file.
Include Source
Include a ConceptDraw Basic file in the script.
Exclude Source
Exclude the included file from the document.
Exit ConceptDraw.
This menu contains various commands for editing the file.
Cancels the last action.
Cancels the last Undo operation.
Cuts selected text and copies it onto the Clipboard.
Copies selected text onto the Clipboard.
Pastes the copied text from the clipboard into the document.
Select All
Select all.
Go to Line...
Go to the line with the specified number.
For more information see Dialogs - Modal dialogs - Line
Find / Replace
Searches and replaces text in the document.
For more information see Dialogs - Modal dialogs -
Copy From Output Window
Copies the selected text from the CD Basic Output window onto the Clipboard.
Clear Output Window
Clears ConceptDraw Basic Output window.
Calls the Preferences dialog where you can set parameters of
the application.
For more information see Dialogs - Modal dialogs -
Preferences and Customizing the
Working Environment - Application Preferences.
From this menu you can compile, run or stop executing a script.
When a script is running, the menu looks as follows:
If no script is running, the menu looks like this:
Compiles the program and checks it for errors.
Compiles and runs the program.
Stops running program.
This menu is used to control windows. For more information about the Window menu see Menus - Document View Menus - Window.
From this menu you can get reference information.
ConceptDraw Help
Calls ConceptDraw help system.
ConceptDraw Basic Reference
Calls reference information about ConceptDraw Basic.
Opens brief tutorial about ConceptDraw.
XML Reference
Calls reference information about XML for ConceptDraw.
About ConceptDraw V...(Windows only)
Displays a window with information about the program and its developers.
Product Web Site
Opens ConceptDraw web site in the Web browser.
Online Registration
Goes to the online registration page.
Get Latest Update
Goes to the Updates page of the Web site.