Function Reference

In alphabetical order:







By sections:




Functions for transformation and rounding:


Date and time:

Page properties:

Functions for working with ConceptDraw Basic:

Functions for calculating endpoints of connectors:

Functions for working with named styles:




Returns the absolute value of the arg number.

Returns the str string without changing it.

_ABS(-3) = 3
_ABS(0) =  0
_ABS(4) = 4
_ABS("Text") = "Text"



Returns the arc cosine of the arg (its value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).
The argument value must be within the -1 to 1 range. Otherwise an error code is generated.


Returns the bitwise AND.

Returns 1 - if the strings are not empty, and 0 - if at least one of them is empty.

Returns arg.

_AND( 1; 0) = 0
_AND( 3; 2) = 2
_AND("Hello!"; "") = 0
_AND("Text1"; "Text2") = 1
_AND("Text"; 2) = 2



Returns the arg angle, reduced to the 0 to 2*pi interval.

_ANG360( 481 deg ) = 121 deg
_ANG360( -4.5 rad) = 1.7832 rad


Returns the arc sine of arg (its value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).
The argument value must be within the -1 to 1 range. Otherwise an error code is generated.


Returns the arctangent of arg (the returned value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).


Returns the arctangent of (arg1/arg2). Unlike the _ATAN function, _ATAN2 correctly processes expressions where the arg2 value equals 0. Anyway, the returned value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range.

_ATAN( 1; 0 ) = 90 deg
_ATAN( 2; 2 ) = 45 deg



Calls a function, written in ConceptDraw Basic built-in scripting language. The function being called must have no arguments.

_CALLTHIS( "proc_name")

The name of the function must be enclosed in quotation marks.

The function being called must look as follows:

Function proc_name (shp As Shape)[ As <Type>]

The shp variable represents the shape, from which the function is called.

_CALLTHIS returns the result returned by the specified function. The result of _CALLTHIS is of the same type as the result of the function being called.


Create a new document (use the File / New Document menu, or click on the Main toolbar).

Choose the Rectangle tool on the Drawing Tools toolbar and draw a rectangle.

Run the ConceptDraw Basic editor from the menu Tool / ConceptDraw Basic / Document Script / Edit and type the following lines:

Function MyProc(shp As Shape) As Byte
Dim ss As String
ss = InputBox$("Enter text for shape")
shp.Text = ss
End Function

This is the code of the MyProc function which will be called from the shape's context menu by means of _CALLTHIS. Close the ConceptDraw Basic editor window.

Now let's add a menu item to the rectangle's context menu.

Select the rectangle by using the Select tool from the Drawing Tools toolbar. Call the shape parameter table by pressing F3 or choosing Shape / Show Table from the menu.

Add the Actions section to the shape parameter table. Select Insert Section from the Edit menu, then in the Insert Sections dialog choose Actions and click OK.

The Actions section will be added to the table. In the Action cell enter the function:


In the Menu cell enter the name of the menu item: "Call ConceptDraw Basic Function". In the Prompt field enter the text of the prompt that will appear in the status bar: "Click to call a ConceptDraw Basic function". The Checked and Disabled cells must have the FALSE values. Now close the shape parameter table window and right-click on the rectangle. Its context menu contains a new item - "Call ConceptDraw Basic Function". When you choose this item, a dialog comes up where you can change the text of the shape.


This function works similar to _CALLTHIS except that one parameter is passed to the function being called.


_CALLTHIS_1ARG( "proc_name"; arg1)

Here proc_name - is the name of the function to be called, and arg1 is the parameter passed to it.

The ConceptDraw Basic function being called must look as follows:

Function proc_name (shp As Shape, arg1 As <Type1>)[ As <Type>],

where shp is the shape that calls the function, and arg1 is the argument to be passed to the function.

Note: The type of the result, returned by _CALLTHIS_1ARG must match the type of the result, returned by the function.


This function works similar to _CALLTHIS and _CALLTHIS_1ARG, except that 2 parameters are passed to the ConceptDraw Basic function being called.


CALLTHIS_1ARG( "proc_name"; arg1; arg2)

Here proc_name is the name of the function being called, arg1, arg2 are the parameters, passed to it. The function being called must look as follows:

Function proc_name (shp As Shape, arg1 As <Type1>, arg2 As <Type2>)[ As <Type>]

Here shp is the shape that calls the function, arg1 and arg2 are the arguments to be passed to the function.

Note: The type of the result, returned by ε_CALLTHIS and _CALLTHIS_1ARG must match the type of the result, returned by the function.


Returns the X coordinate of the center of the shape.
The center of the shape is:
- For the Smart Connector:  the middle of its central segment, if the number of segments is odd, or the crossing point of two middle segments, if the number of the segment is even.
- For other shapes:  the center of the alignment box.

This function may be used, for instance, for positioning the Smart Connector's text.


Returns the Y coordinate of the center of the shape.
The center of the shape is:
- For the Smart Connector:  the middle of its central segment, if the number of segments is odd, or the crossing point of two middle segments, if the number of the segment is even.
- For other shapes:  the center of the alignment box.

This function may be used, for instance, for positioning the Smart Connector's text.


Returns the character that corresponds to the specified number.


_CHR(32) returns the character with number 32 ("space").


_CIRCLE_CENTERX(X1; Y1; X2; Y2; X3; Y3)
Returns the X coordinate of the center of the circle, built upon the three points: (X1;Y1), (X2;Y2) and (X3;Y3). 


_CIRCLE_CENTERY(X1; Y1; X2; Y2; X3; Y3)
Returns the Y coordinate of the center of the circle, built upon the three points: (X1;Y1), (X2;Y2) and (X3;Y3).


_CIRCLES3RD_X( X1; Y1; X2; Y2; H)
Returns the X coordinate of the point, that lies at the H distance from the middle point of the vector (X1;Y1) - (X2;Y2). If H is a positive number, this point is to the left of the vector, if negative - the point is to the right of the vector. This function is used to create an arc of the circle upon two points and the height of the arc.  


_CIRCLES3RD_Y( X1; Y1; X2; Y2; H)
Returns the Y coordinate of the point, that lies at the H distance from the middle point of the vector (X1;Y1) - (X2;Y2). If H is a positive number, this point is to the left of the vector, if negative - the point is to the right of the vector. This function is used to create an arc of the circle upon two points and the height of the arc.  


Sets a color in the CMYK format.



where C, M, Y , K - the components of CMYK color.



Corresponds to yellow-green color.

It's used to set colors in the shape's parameter table (for such parameters as FillColor from the Fill section, LineColor from the Line Properties section).


It's used in the application to calculate the X coordinate of the connector's begin point.



Here ObjBegin is the ID of the shape to which the begin point of the connector is glued; ObjEnd is the ID of the shape to which the end point of the connector is glued. TypeBegin represents the connection type: values from 1 to 4 indicated connection to a side, -1 corresponds to "no connection", 5 means connection to entire shape.

Normally this function is used by ConceptDraw to calculate the parameters from the EndPoints section of the connectors. The parameters from the Glue Info section are also used.

BeginX is calculated as follows: _CONNECTBEGINX(ConnectObjBegin;ConnectObjEnd;ConnectTypeBegin), where ConnectObjBegin, ConnectObjEnd, ConnectTypeBegin are parameters from the Glue Info section.



It's used in the application to calculate the Y coordinate of the connector's begin point.



Here ObjBegin is the ID of the shape to which the begin point of the connector is glued; ObjEnd is the ID of the shape to which the end point of the connector is glued. TypeBegin represents the connection type: values from 1 to 4 indicated connection to a side, -1 corresponds to "no connection", 5 means connection to entire shape.

Normally this function is used by ConceptDraw to calculate the parameters from the EndPoints section of the connectors. The parameters from the Glue Info section are also used.

BeginY is calculated as follows:_CONNECTBEGINY(ConnectObjBegin;ConnectObjEnd;ConnectTypeBegin), where ConnectObjBegin, ConnectObjEnd, ConnectTypeBegin are parameters from the Glue Info section.



It's used in the application to calculate the X coordinate of the connector's end point.



Here ObjBegin is the ID of the shape to which the begin point of the connector is glued; ObjEnd is the ID of the shape to which the end point of the connector is glued. TypeBegin represents the connection type: values from 1 to 4 indicated connection to a side, -1 corresponds to "no connection", 5 means connection to entire shape.

Normally this function is used by ConceptDraw to calculate the parameters from the EndPoints section of the connectors. The parameters from the Glue Info section are also used.



It's used in the application to calculate the Y coordinate of the connector's end point.



Here ObjBegin is the ID of the shape to which the begin point of the connector is glued; ObjEnd is the ID of the shape to which the end point of the connector is glued. TypeBegin represents the connection type: values from 1 to 4 indicated connection to a side, -1 corresponds to "no connection", 5 means connection to entire shape.



Returns the cosine of arg (the returned value is within the -1 to 1 range).


Returns the hyperbolic cosine of arg.


_CUT(arg; iarg)
This function discards a number of significant digits after the point from arg. The iarg parameter indicates how many digits to discard. For negative numbers, it discards the digits before the point.

_CUT( 123.4567; 3) = 123.456
_CUT(123.4567;-2) = 100
_CUT(123.4567;0) = 123


Returns the date when the document was last time modified.

_DATE() = 04.09.1999   (Mac)
_DATE() = 04 Sep 1999  (Win)


Converts arg from radians to degrees.

_DEG( 3.14) = 180
_DEG(_PI()*3) = 540



_ELLIPSE_ANGLE(koeffX; koeffY; iNumberGeometry; iNumberSegment)
Returns the inclination of the main radius of the ellipse with the central point with (Width*koeffX; Height*koeffY) local coordinates. Other parameters, required for building the ellipse, are taken from the segment with iNumberSegment number of the geometry with the iNumberGeometry number.
This function is the default formula for the D column of the EllipseTo segment in the table. 


_ELLIPSE_ASPECT(koeffX; koeffY; iNumberGeometry; iNumberSegment)
Returns the ratio between the large and the small radii of the ellipse with the central point with (Width*koeffX; Height*koeffY). Other parameters, required for building the ellipse, are taken from the segment with iNumberSegment number of the geometry with the iNumberGeometry number.
This function is the default formula for the C column of the EllipseTo segment in the table.


Converts the string value of str to a number.

_EVALTEXT( "123.456 ") = 123.456
_EVALTEXT( "123") = 123 


If arg is not zero, returns the absolute value for arg.
If arg equals zero, returns 1.

Returns the string value str without changing it.

_FABS( -3 ) = 3
_FABS( 0 ) = 1
_FABS( 1 ) = 1
_FABS("Text") = "Text"


Returns the filename under which the document is stored.

_FILENAME() = "Chart.CDD"


Returns the maximum integer number which is less or equal to arg.

_FLOOR( 123.4567 ) = 123
_FLOOR( -45.345 ) = -46
_FLOOR( 0 ) = 0


Returns the filename under which the document is stored with the full path.
_FULLFILENAME() = "D:\ConceptDraw\Chart.cdd"   (Win)
_FULLFILENAME() = "MyDisk:Desktop Folder:Chart.cdd"  (Mac)


This function is used to get the coordinates of the shape's rotation center when the shape is glued to a guide line by one of its handles.


Depending on the type of the guide line - vertical or horizontal - it returns the corresponding coordinate:

For a vertical guide it returns the Y coordinate (GPinY), for a horizontal guide it returns the X coordinate (GPinX).

Note: This function is used internally by ConceptDraw when a shape is glued to a guide line.


_GRAVITY(Angle; limit1; limit2)
If Angle is more than limit1 or less than limit2, returns 0.
If Angle is not within the [limit1;limit2] range - returns the pi number.

_GRAVITY(30deg; 15 deg; 165 deg) = 0
_GRAVITY(195deg; 15 deg; 165 deg) = pi

Normally, this function is used for setting the orientation of the Text Box, so that the text be readable in whatever position of the shape:
_GRAVITY(Angle;-90 deg;90 deg).


_HYP(X; Y)
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle with X and Y legs.

_HYP( 4; 3 ) = 5


If arg1 is a non-zero number, or a non-empty string, the function returns arg2, otherwise - arg3.

  _IF( 2 > 1; 3; 4 ) = 3
  _IF( ""; 3; 4 ) = 4


Returns the decimal logarithm of arg.


Returns the natural logarithm of arg.


Converts the (X;Y) point from the global coordinates to local coordinates. Returns the X coordinate for the resulting point.


Converts the (X;Y) point from the global coordinates to local coordinates. Returns the Y coordinate for the resulting point.


Returns the bigger of the two numbers: arg1 and arg2.

Returns the number arg (the string value is ignored).

 Returns the length for the longest of two strings: str1 and str2.

_MAX( 4; 6 ) = 6
_MAX( "Text"’ ; " Big text ") = 8
_MAX( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


Returns the string containing the current unit of measure.

_MEASURE() = "ft"


Returns the minimal of two numbers: arg1 and arg2.

Returns the number arg (the string value is ignored).

 Returns the length for the shortest of two strings: str1 and str2.

_MIN( 4; 6 ) = 6
_MIN( "Text"’ ; " Big text ") = 8
_MIN( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


Returns the excess of arg1 divided by arg2

Returns the number arg it the other argument is the string str.

Returns zero if both arguments are strings.

_MOD( 19; 6 ) = 1
_MOD( "Text" ; "Big text") = 0
_MOD( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


If arg is zero or an empty string, returns 1.
Otherwise returns 0.



Returns bitwise OR;

Returns 1 - if at least one of the strings is non-empty, 0 - if both strings are empty.

Returns the number arg.

  _OR( 1; 0) = 1
  _OR("Hello!"; "") = 1
  _OR("Text1"; "Text2") = 1
  _OR("Text";2) = 2



Returns the number of the page to which the shape belongs.


Returns the number of pages in the document.


Raises arg1 to a power of arg2.

Returns the arg number if the other argument is a string.

Returns zero if both arguments are strings.

_POW( 2; 3 ) = 8
_POW( "Text" ; " Big text ") = 0
_POW( "Text" ; 7 ) = 7


Converts arg from degrees to radians.

  _RAD( 90 ) = 1.57


Returns a random value within 0 to 32K range.


Sets a color in the RGB format. It's used to set colors in the shape's parameter table (for such parameters as FillColor from the Fill section, LineColor from the Line Properties section).



where R, G, B are the red, green and blue components respectively. Each component is in the 0-255 range.



Corresponds to red color.



_ROUND(arg; iarg)
Returns arg approximated to iarg digits after the decimal point.

_ROUND( 123.4567; 3) = 123.457
_ROUND(123.4567;-2) = 100
_ROUND(123.67;0) = 124


Returns a string describing the current scale of the document in the "N : M" format.

_SCALE() = "1 : 1"
_SCALE() = "4 in : 1 ft"


_SETF(str; arg)
_SETF(str; strarg)
This function changes the values in the table cells. String str specifies the name of the cell, where to put the data. The arg parameter must contain the new value for the cell. The strarg parameter must contain the string with a new formula for the cell.

_SETF( ’’Geometry1.X2’’; ’’Geometry2.X3/2 + Geometry3.X2/4’’)
_SETF(’’Width’’ ; 125 cm)


Returns the sign of arg:
-1, if arg<0,
1, if arg>0
0, if arg=0

_SIGN( 123.4567 ) = 1
_SIGN(-123.4567 ) = -1
_SIGN( 0 ) = 0


Returns the sine of arg (the returned value is within -1 to 1 range).


Returns the hyperbolic sine of arg.


Returns the square root from arg. The resulting value is undefined for negative numbers.


Returns the line ends size for the specified named style.



The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style.
Returns a value from 0 to 4 indicating one of the 5 possible sizes.
This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape. The value of _STYLED_ENDSSIZE("Style_Name") is set in the LineEndsSize cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table. Note, that the style name must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Returns the fill color for the specified named style.



The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style.
This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape. The value of _STYLED_FILLCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the FillColor cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the pattern color for the specified named style.



The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FILLPATCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the FillPatColor cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the pattern style for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FILLPATTERN("Style_Name") is set in the FillPattern cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the number of the language for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTCHARLANG("Style_Name") is set in the Language cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the font color for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the Color cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the font number for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTNUM("Style_Name") is set in the Font cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the position of character with respect to text baseline (0 - normal text, 1 - superscript, 2 - subscript) for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTPOS("Style_Name") is set in the Pos cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the font size for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTSIZE("Style_Name") is set in the Size cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the spacing between characters for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTSPACING("Style_Name") is set in the Spacing cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns a number that describes the set of styles of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_FONTSTYLE("Style_Name") is set in the Style cell of the Character Format section of the parameter table.


Returns a arrowhead type of the beginning of a shape's geometry for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_LINEBEGIN("Style_Name") is set in the LineBegin cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table.


Returns the line color for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_LINECOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the LineColor cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table.


Returns a arrowhead type of the end of a shape's geometry for the specified named style.

_STYLED_LINEEND("╚∞  ±≥Φδ ")

The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_LINEEND("Style_Name") is set in the LineEnd cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table.


Returns a line pattern for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_LINEPATTERN("Style_Name") is set in the LinePattern cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table.


Returns the line width for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_LINEWEIGHT("Style_Name") is set in the LineWeight cell of the Line Properties section of the parameter table.


Returns the spacing between the current and the next paragraph of the text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARAAFTERSPACING("Style_Name") is set in the AfterSpacing cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the spacing between the current and the previous paragraph of the text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARABEFORESPACING("Style_Name") is set in the BeforeSpacing cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the first line indent setting for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARAFIRSTLINE("Style_Name") is set in the FirstInd cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the number that specifies the type of horizontal alignment of the paragraph with respect to the text box for the specified style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARAHALIGNMENT("Style_Name") is set in the HAlign cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the left indent of the paragraph for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARALEFTINDENT("Style_Name") is set in the LeftInd cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the line spacing setting for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARALINESPACING("Style_Name") is set in the LineSpacing cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the right indent of the paragraph for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_PARARIGHTINDENT("Style_Name") is set in the RightInd cell of the Paragraph Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the shadow foreground color for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_SHADOWCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the ShadowColor cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the pattern background color for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_SHADOWPATCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the ShadowPatColor cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the shadow pattern for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_SHADOWPATTERN("Style_Name") is set in the ShadowPattern cell of the Fill Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the text background color for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTBKGNDCOLOR("Style_Name") is set in the TextBkgnd cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the bottom margin value of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTBOTTOMMARGIN("Style_Name") is set in the BottomMargin cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the left margin value of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTLEFTMARGIN("Style_Name") is set in the LeftMargin cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the right margin value of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTLEFTMARGIN("Style_Name") is set in the RightMargin cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the top margin value of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTTOPMARGIN("Style_Name") is set in the TopMargin cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns a number that specifies the type of the vertical alignment of a text block for the specified named style.


The argument of the function is the name of a pre-defined or user-defined style. This function is used inside ConceptDraw for assigning a named style to a shape.
The value of _STYLED_TXTVALIGN("Style_Name") is set in the VAlign cell of the Text Block Format section of the parameter table.


Returns the tangent of arg.


Returns the hyperbolic tangent of arg.


_TEXTHEIGHT(str; arg)
This function calculates the height of the text block, when arg is assigned as its width. The str parameter is usually the contents of text field of the shape (the TheText field in the table). When calculating the height, this function considers all current text settings for the shape (styles, indents and margins, etc.).

_TEXTHEIGHT(TheText;2 in)


_TEXTLEFT(str; iarg)
Returns first iarg characters of the str string.

_TEXTLEFT( "A big text."; 5) = "A big"


Returns the length of the str string (the number of characters in the string).

_TEXTLENGTH("A big text.") = 11


_TEXTRIGHT(str; iarg)
Returns last iarg characters of the str string.

_TEXTRIGHT( "A big text"; 4) = "text"


Returns the width of the str string considering all current text settings of the shape (styles, indents and margins, etc.). Normally, this function is used to make the Text Box the same width as the width of the longest string in the shape's text.



Returns the time when the document was last time modified, in the "Hours:Minutes:Seconds" format.

_TIME() = "19:27:13"


Converts the arg number into a string and returns the string.

_VALTOTEXT( 567.89 ) = "567.89"


Converts the arg number in a string considering the current unit of measure.

_VALTOTEXTMES(15) = "1/16"
_VALTOTEXTMES(1.5 in)+" in." = "1 1/2 in."


Converts the (X;Y) point from local coordinates to global coordinates. Returns the X coordinate for the resulting point.


Converts the (X;Y) point from local coordinates to global coordinates. Returns the Y coordinate for the resulting point.


Returns the bitwise XOR.

Returns 1 - if only one string is not empty; 0 - if both strings are empty, or both are not empty.

Returns the arg number.

_XOR( 1;1 ) = 0
_XOR("Text1";"Text2") = 0
_XOR("Text"; 2) = 2

See also:
Shape Parameter Table
The Table's Sections